Exploring Social-Emotional Development in Children

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Social development is an important role children must learn as they grow. Social-emotional development includes the child's experience, expression, and management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others. http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/cd/re/itf09socemodev.asp. When applying this information to Isabella, she has many friends. She has family friends who she enjoys playing with at her home or an outing and she also has friends at school. She is very social and likes to please others. Asking Isabella if she identifies herself as an extrovert or an introvert seemed to be a mature question, however, through observation it is clear that she is an extrovert. Her behavior displays that when she is upset …show more content…

They are beginning to learn the difference between wrong and right behavior in what makes them a good person and bad person. Whereas social norms are defined by society and violating these norms usually doesn’t hurt other people. Children around this age are learning to understand these differences and test what happens when they select one choice over the other. Isabella is at the perfect age to begin to step out from her parent’s wings and begin exploring more questions about what will happen if she does one thing instead of …show more content…

She is a strong learner, and cares strongly about others in her life. Cognitively I was able to measure her development by using a variety of Piagets development strategies which included but are not limited to, shapes, play-dough, water, and coins. She bounces between preoperational and operational. Her motor skills, language, and not yet logically though process confirms her preoperational phase, however, I believe that within this next year she will make transformation to the completely operational phase. Developmentally she is right where she needs to be at this

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