Social Roles And Stereotypes

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1. What Social Roles do you play? List a couple of roles you play and how this impacts others perception of you. How does playing this role impact how you interact with others?
I often volunteer on the weekends and I believe that people usually perceive me as a good smarten. To my surprise I received added respect and admiration from others who knew I volunteered. I enjoy helping others less fortunate or in need, so through this social role I believe I am far more willing to go out of my way to help someone in need outside of volunteering.

2. How have you been stereotyped? What are some ways in which others see you? What words do they use to describe you? How does this influence your behavior and how you interact with others?
I have never been stereotyped by my race or religion, which is what I think of when someone says stereotyping. However, after reading chapter 4 I noticed that you can be stereotyped by your gender. Every now and again I’ve heard stereotypes about how men are traditionally messier when compared to their female counterparts. Conversely, I am not a messy …show more content…

Since I grew up a certain way of being in charge more often than not, my peers are using words to describe my personality and therefore wouldn’t influence my behavior, as it is something I had long before they categorized it.

3. How is ethics relevant to the perception process?
Ethics is relevant to the perception process because you may perceive a group of people and then group them all together in one stereotype. This negative stereotype you have just made may reinforce not only your own but as well as others negative response to this group of people. The book goes further to say that you may have grown up a certain way however, once you’re an adult you are now responsible for interpreting the world.

4. What steps can you take to improve your ability to perceive others more

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