Social Media Safety

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Technology has become a big part of the today’s world. More specifically, the internet. People use it every day, whether for work, play, music, communication, and/or finding their way from place to place. Friend making has also developed where it can be done on the internet, but it is not the best place to do so due to uncertainty, lack of actual socialization, and social media. Many actions that were done manually have turned in actions that can easily be done mechanically, but that does not mean that they should be done the new way. The first reason is that social media as taken over the friendship making world. Source number two vindicates this viewpoint when it states that “The number of “inboxes” we possess is staggering”. This shows …show more content…

Source three vindicates this viewpoint when it states that “You can remain anonymous on the Internet.” This shows that the anonymous could be anyone. Whether it’s a teacher, parent, a real friend, or even a dastardly criminal. Source three also provides proof for this statement in the next paragraph down; saying, “Just as it can be a good thing to be anonymous to protect your safety and personal information, anonymity can be dangerous, too.” The further proof even backs up what some fear each time they login into something. And people want to trust the internet for people to be friends with when they sometimes don’t even know who they are? It is obvious that the anonymous internet is not a good way to make …show more content…

Source three vindicates this viewpoint when it states that “friends who exist only on a computer screen do not provide the companionship necessary to sustain friendships.” This shows that a good friend is there for a friend, morally and physical; not separated by a glass screen. Source four adds to this when it states that “…loneliness is the "hidden killer". But McCulloch says loneliness transcends "all ages and all classes". It could just as easily affect a young person going from school to college struggling to make friends, isolated single parents or someone not in education or employment.” It’s telling people that a world that centers itself on the internet, could that mean people are lonely due to this wonderful technology? But, that’s today’s world. If the internet is making people lonely, why would they trust it make them un-lonely? There can be no doubt that the internet takes the socializing out of

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