Social Media And Global Issues In The 21st Century

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The objective of this research is to understand the global issues that is happening around the world nowadays. As the technology of 21st century is constantly improving, many issues also occur and relate to people’s lives. The four global issues I have chosen are scarcity of clean drinking water, the impact of social networking sites, identity theft, and the health effects of genetically modified foods will be conducted by secondary research. Due to population growth, people will not have enough water for life, and eating genetically modified food might bring cancer to people. In addition, many people are addiced to social networking sites especially students which will affect their study, and the last but not least, identity theft …show more content…

However, the impact will be opposite for students who are addicted to social media. Firstly, they will reduce the time of study and the capabilities of learning or research as social media attract their attention more than study. Otherwise, it will also affect the score of their study meaning low grades. If students concentrate on social media for long times, it will reduce the time of them to socialize with others and loss motivation in students. They might reduce the communication in real life because they mostly use phone or laptop to chat with other. It is a kind of wasting time to do nothing in a whole day (Negative effects of social networking sites for students). Moreover, cyber bullying is also a serious problem between students and no on can stop it when it has happened. Social media is also destroys easily a relationship if someone finds that their boyfriend or girlfriends send messages to other isomerism (The positive and negatives of using social networking …show more content…

People need to develop new technology of saving water to sovle lack of access to water. In addition, recycled waste water is also a good solution such as in Singapore where they try to recycle and reduce the import of water and provide it for themselves. Otherwise, as population grows in a fast way; this makes the world lack water. Controlling the population is also an important thing that needs to be concentrate on (Expect name the top 19 solutions to the global freshwater crisis,

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