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The effects of social media on body image
Social media's effect on self esteem
Social media's effect on self esteem
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Recommended: The effects of social media on body image
“Instagram”, “Pinterest”, or “Thinterest”? In the recent years, the proliferation in social media has played an outsized role in the communication cultural stereotypes about the aesthetics of body image. Being intensified by social media, the positive and negative consequences on the standards of beauty are in the realm of social comparison. Leon Festinger’s Social Comparison Theory says that: “People evaluate their opinions and abilities by comparison respectively with the opinions and abilities of others” (Festinger, 2007). With that, it is no wonder many perceive that social constructed ideals towards beauty encourage positive self-worth within individual. However, behind this unrealistic illusion of perfect beauty, it has led to several …show more content…
It is true that physical appearance provides women with feelings of self-worth and personal value, particularly when an ideal body represents success and ultimate perfection. For instance, the social network sites (SNS) like Facebook or Instagram encourage “clicking like” on photos or comments. As each photo has a permanent number associated with how well-liked it is, that number represents their reality – their popularity, their acceptance, their attractiveness. Hence, the upward comparison of evaluating one’s status in comparison with others serve as a source of self-improvement (Eyal & Te’eni-Harari, 2013). This provides positive outcomes such as females becoming more health conscious and exercise obsessed in order to meet others’ judgements in the “warranting principle”. As a result, women are no longer emaciated and stick-straight, but fit and healthy.
Contrary to this, the concerns about perfect beauty are a reality check as the social costs outweigh the benefits of a promoted social comparison behaviour. I believe that the positive outcomes of social comparison in SNS is a mistaken deception. In fact, constant social comparison between themselves and the beauty ideal fuels the fluctuation of contemporary women’s self-esteem. Thereby, they resort to diet regime and cosmetic surgery to attain the ideal
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On the other hand, there is a large audience of contemporary females suffering from dissatisfaction or shame towards one’s appearances. This is because women are taught to base their self-esteem and self-worth upon what others consider attractive. Therefore, I believe the social comparison about the aesthetics of body image has done enough to amplify the detrimental effects such as pathological and disordered thoughts. The effects of over-obsession on cosmetic surgery and disordered eating have become today’s status symbols and societal norms. It is important for every individual to accept and internalise the socially sanctioned standards of beauty. Hence, the message I want to pass is “stay true to your real self” as authenticity is the true beauty of every
We hear sayings everyday such as “Looks don’t matter; beauty is only skin-deep”, yet we live in a decade that contradicts this very notion. If looks don’t matter, then why are so many women harming themselves because they are not satisfied with how they look? If looks don’t matter, then why is the media using airbrushing to hide any flaws that one has? This is because with the media establishing unattainable standards for body perfection, American Women have taken drastic measures to live up to these impractical societal expectations. “The ‘body image’ construct tends to comprise a mixture of self-perceptions, ideas and feelings about one’s physical attributes. It is linked to self-esteem and to the individual’s emotional stability” (Wykes 2). As portrayed throughout all aspects of our media, whether it is through the television, Internet, or social media, we are exploited to a look that we wish we could have; a toned body, long legs, and nicely delineated six-pack abs. Our society promotes a body image that is “beautiful” and a far cry from the average woman’s size 12, not 2. The effects are overwhelming and we need to make more suitable changes as a way to help women not feel the need to live up to these unrealistic standards that have been self-imposed throughout our society.
Sure, some of us have this great confidence within ourselves about looking great, but that does not hold true for everyone. I understand the pain or disgust, or even disappointment one feels when they look in the mirror and say, “I wish I could change this or that about myself”. Although this piece is written about the author’s life, it holds meaning and connects with for many people; one only has to dig deep enough to find one. For me, it was to realize what is important in life can change, adapt and that we must explore our inner selves and find our own path in life.
To begin, social media has created unrealistic standards for young people, especially females. Being bombarded by pictures of females wearing bikinis or minimal clothing that exemplifies their “perfect” bodies, squatting an unimaginable amount of weight at a gym while being gawked at by the opposite sex or of supermodels posing with some of life’s most desirable things has created a standard that many young people feel they need to live up to. If this standard isn’t reached, then it is assumed that they themselves are not living up to the norms or the “standards” and then therefore, they are not beautiful. The article Culture, Beauty and Therapeutic Alliance discusses the way in which females are bombarded with media messages star...
In today society, beauty in a woman seems to be the measured of her size, or the structure of her nose and lips. Plastic surgery has become a popular procedure for people, mostly for women, to fit in social class, race, or beauty. Most women are insecure about their body or face, wondering if they are perfect enough for the society to call the beautiful; this is when cosmetic surgery comes in. To fix what “needed” to be fixed. To begin with, there is no point in cutting your face or your body to add or remove something most people call ugly. “The Pitfalls of Plastic Surgery” explored the desire of human to become beyond perfection by the undergoing plastic surgery. The author, Camille Pagalia, took a look how now days how Americans are so obsessed
Women are told that in order to get anywhere in life they must constantly worry about their outer appearance. In Jennifer Weiner’s article, “When Can Women Stop Trying to Look Perfect?” she delves deeply into how today’s society women’s worth is based on how they look. Weiner believes that women who do not meet the standards of beauty do not have as many opportunities.
How should I look like to have the ideal body? An increasing number of women ask themselves this question many times in their lives. Deborah Sullivan’s essay, “Social Bodies: Tightening the Bonds of Beauty”, discloses the different cultural traditions that require various methods of body modifications. Women should undergo such modifications to obtain social acceptance. Similarly, “Pressures to Conform” by Celia Milne discusses the effects of media and society on women, and how women view their physical appearance. The media gives women a plethora of choices for the perfect body and even provides ways on how to achieve them. There is no escaping. There is no excuse of not getting the ideal body that ranges from that of a stick-thin ramp model’s to the buff and chiseled outline of a body builder’s. Still, the struggle doesn’t end here. Women also desire smooth, wrinkle-free skin, hairless faces, and ample busts. “Stencil” women are celebrities, models, actresses - women whose coveted looks are seen through discriminating TV screens, posters, and magazines. The steady demand for these forms of media is mainly due to women who are looking for body images to pattern from. These women are on the constant lookout in updating their appearance and considering the bulk of information that the media presents to them, the media is a source of considerable amount of physical and psychological stress. In their fight for their roles in society, women undergo various body modifications to suit the taste of the present-day culture.
Everywhere one looks today, one will notice that our culture places a very high value on women being thin. Many will argue that today’s fashion models have “filled out” compared to the times past; however the evidence of this is really hard to see. Our society admires men for what they accomplish and what they achieve. Women are usually evaluated by and accepted for how they look, regardless of what they do. A woman can be incredibly successful and still find that her beauty or lack of it will have more to do with her acceptance than what she is able to accomplish. “From the time they are tiny children, most females are taught that beauty is the supreme objective in life” (Claude-Pierre, p18). The peer pressure for girls in school to be skinny is often far greater than for boys to make a team. When it is spring, young girls begin thinking “How am I going to look in my bathing suit? I better take off a few more pounds.”
Flipping through the pages of Vogue's latest edition, 23 year-old Susan seems quite upset. She struggles with the thought of lacking the perfect body and delicate features in order to be considered attractive. Surprisingly, Susan is not alone in this kind of an internal struggle. In contemporary society, every other woman aspires to have the lips of Angelina Jolie and the perfect jaw line of Keira Knightley. Society today looks down upon individuals that do not fit in, whether in terms of body shape or facial attractiveness. This forces them to consider the option of 'ordering beauty.' Since cosmetic surgery is no longer a social taboo in America given its widespread popularity, more people are promoting it which ultimately affects the rest of the world due to the unwavering influence of American culture. Cosmetic surgery should be deterred in the US because it promotes the idea of valuing appearance over ability, gives rise to unrealistic expectations, and brings with it high cost to society.
In today’s society, as well as the media, appearance has become the most onerous topic. One is expected to live up to the horrendous, unfeasible standards of beauty. Body image has become an issue greatly emphasized within the media and society, along with other issues such as self-presentation and inner vs. outer personality. There is a not-so-new obsession with women being thin and brittle, and with men having muscles impossible to achieve without the help of illegal or harmful substances, thus leaving the human race to live in a world more focused on “fitting in” than having individuality. The general public is influenced on a daily basis to imitate the media’s unrealistic expectations of appearance.
Body Image affected by social media Young people spend their time looking at magazines noticing how the media embraces just one type of body which is having flawless skin, thin, having a nice skin tone and having an amazing body. Unfortunately, these images can leave a negative impact on these young, impressionable people. Research has found that “47 percent of girls interviewed were influenced by magazine pictures to want to lose weight, but only 29 percent of them were overweight” (“Body Image”).
First, women spend huge amounts of money to improve their looks. So here we are unable to escape the reality that we can never be flawless or blemish free; moreover, as long as women have the belief that all greatness de...
Today, the idea of beauty has been turned into unattainable forms by media, trends, and marketing. To reach the social’s standard of beauty, many people have gone anorexic, bulimic, or have been addicted to plastic surgery. Many people are wasting money on beauty products to make themselves prettier, but they forget that their inner beauty is more important. Inner beauty is an essential key to the overall appearance of someone. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder and is the combination of inner and outer attractiveness of one
In today’s society there is a never-ending pursuit for the perfect body with physical attractiveness and beauty highly valued human characteristics believed to be linked with happiness, intelligence and success (Rennels, 2012). The “appearance culture” (Jones, Vigfusdottir, & Lee, 2004), consisting of the continual flow of messages telling us how we should and should not look places constant pressure on individuals. Appearance culture refers to the notion of a culture that values, reinforces, and models cultural ideas of the ideal body (Thompson, Heinberg, Altabe, & Tantleff-Dunn, 1999). With Western societies mindset on physical appearance - the aesthetics, suggests the body is “malleable”, something that ought to be controlled and continuously
The concept of “beauty” is something that everyone feels, thinks, or wants, in order to fit society’s standards. In today’s society, we are often faced with the unrealistic ideals of what beauty is. Due to society’s constant portraying of unrealistic beauty ideals, this reinforces a negative influence upon women’s idea of beauty, resulting in a negative impact in their confidence, and self-esteem, which leads to others, specifically women to be manipulated by society’s corrupted outlook of what beauty is. To add onto this issue, we are constantly surrounded by sources of this negative influence in our everyday lives, including magazines, television, advertisements, and so on. However, women specifically, are more prone to be victims of this negative effect, thus will have more pressure upon themselves to match society’s idea of “beauty,” which includes unrealistic and sometimes unattainable beauty standards. Women especially, can sometimes be so deeply manipulated by society’s unrealistic ideals of what is beautiful, such that it’s possible that they don’t even realize it Furthermore, in order to do so, women often will receive negative impacts rather than positive impacts, such as in their confidence and self-esteem. The negative effects of society’s beauty ideals also lead women to have an overall corrupted idea of what is “beautiful.” Society creates unrealistic ideals of beauty towards women through the media by creating an unrealistic image of what women should look like to be considered beautiful. Men negatively affect women’s idea of beauty by using the unrealistic beauty standards exposed by society which further pressures women to try to fit society’s idea of what is beautiful. Beauty pageants negatively affect women’s ov...
How many times have we heard or said the clique “don’t judge a book by it’s cover,” yet we focus so much of our attention on our physically appearance. Everyday we encounter images in the media that make us believe we have to look a certain way. Physical beauty is portrayed as important and essential in order to find love and acceptance. Although physical beauty is moderately important, it is less than inner beauty for it diminishes with age.