Social Class in Great Expectations

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In the novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, Pip's struggle and ultimate failure to become a gentleman was due to social pressure. Dickens comments the stratums of the Victorian social class system. The novel shows that money cannot buy love or guarantee happiness. Pip's perspective is used to expose the confusing personality of someone transcending social barriers. Dickens also shows a contrast between both class and characters. In Victorian England, people are assigned to a class, depending on their education, social status, or income. In his novels, Charles Dickens comments about the abuses in Victorian England, such as economics and social class. “Throughout the life of Pip, he is constantly exposed to characters that vary greatly in both characters and social class.” (Zhou). Joe Gargery is a member of a working class, having no education and works as a blacksmith. Joe Gargery had pride being in the working class. Joe Gargery is the idea of the working class. Uncle Pumblechook represents the worst in middle class. Uncle Pumblechook is opinionated and hypocritical in Great ...

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