Social Anxiety In College Students Essay

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There is a relationship between social anxiety in college students and alcohol consumption. College years are arguably some of the most formative years in an individual’s life. During this time, students begin to leave their adolescence behind and graduate into the world of adulthood. The rules that they were accustomed to no longer apply. They begin to adopt the new social customs and expectancies of their new environment. College is a catalyst that allows individuals to be able to assert their independence. The stress of trying to find balance in this state of mind leads to individual’s experiencing social anxiety. One of the ways students attempt to alleviate this stress is by partaking in alcohol consumption. More than 40% of college students drink excessively leading to academic difficulties (Perkins, 1992). The act of drinking in the college environment is one that is socially acceptable behavior. Those who engage in this type of behavior belief that by drinking they will diminish the discomfort they feel in the social situation. Alternative reasons to the decision to consume alcohol are they like to drink and to fit in. They adopt the idea that if they conform to the expectancy of the room then there are no reasons to feel anxious. Moderation is not something expressed in a drinking setting leading to an individual being unaware of the effects that a certain …show more content…

Studies have shown that those who are abusing alcohol are 16-39% of a population that also meet the criteria for social anxiety (Chambless and Cherney and Caouto and Rjeinstein, 1987). Social anxiety is the fear of being evaluated negatively as well as observed by others (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Social anxiety has been stated as the single most prevalent diagnosed psychological disorder that effects up to 13% of the population (Book and Randall,

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