Soccer Is A Dangerous Sport For Children Essay

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Is soccer dangers sport for kids Should parents let their kids play soccer because it’s simple sport to learn and play, teaches teamwork, Social skills. Soccer is a perfect blend of individual activity and team plan. Also combines so many positive attributes into one activity that it’s hard to list them at all. Kids should start running at young age to build strength and get a prefect body when they grow up. Soccer is really simple sport to learn and to play. Some kids learn things faster than the others. It might take a lot of time than anyone else, or might be faster than others. It’s all about thinking how you control the ball and you kick in the direction that you want and the most important thing in soccer is to practice. For example, kids might have some classmate that get All A’s in class and get everything right at the first time because they simply learn things quickly. That doesn’t matter for the other kids that doesn’t get things quickly so in order to be like the other kids is trying hard and practice every day and be better than anyone. Yet just because some kids are not good in soccer doesn’t mean that kid will never learn how to play soccer and get good at it. Parents should let their kids play soccer because it …show more content…

In soccer game, kids use unprotected head to pass or shoot the ball. Kids are still young and some families are scared because their kids might get a serious injury that might affect them when they grow up. I had a friend that his brother that only 6 years old got concession from heading the ball during the game. Parents need to pay attention to whether symptoms worsen. If they do, kids should go to the emergency room, where the doctors will likely do a series of tests to assess learning or memory

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