Soccer Field Research Paper

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People go through different events in their lifetime, and that fact alone alternates their views on the world and who they are along with who they want to be. Because of events like these, people tend to see things differently from one another. Thus, not everyone sees what I see on a soccer field. Being a player myself, I can see that not most players see the pulchritude in the grass, adrenaline doesn’t shoot up their leg and cascade through their body from simply the touch of the ball, the butterflies don’t always grow in their stomach as they race up the side lines, and not many people can admire all the worth of even the goal posts, which set your boundaries for the perfect shot. For most players, their teammates, coaches, fans and even …show more content…

On a soccer field, both during practice and especially during a game, is where I am perfectly fulfilled.
This past season, I became familiar with the feeling that being on a soccer field is what truly makes me happy. I love getting my teammate ready, making them feel energized and optimistic. I love the nervous feeling I get when I see who we are going to compete against and when I start imagining how the game will go. Once a game starts, I am grateful that I get another opportunity to play. I also love the eagerness and confidence my coach gives me with his motivational talks. Coach Aaron always repeated, “I play the eleven best, not the best eleven.” That is something I’ve learned not just from my coach, but from my years of experience with playing is that a soccer game consists of eleven players and it is very important to work together in order to be successful. Like …show more content…

I remember that moment perfectly! It was the Lady Warriors from Bishop Noll Institute against the 59ers, from Andrean High School. We went through the whole first half with no goals and no injuries. Then, it was eleven minutes into the second half when I was chasing a ball ready to kick it, while an Andrean girl was doing the same thing. Neither one of us hit the ball, but I was the one who ended up getting hurt. She had so much power that she took my whole ankle and twisted in a ninety degrees angle. I literally heard it crack about six to eight times. And like every other athletic, I tried to get back up and continue to play, but I fell right back down. I was in so much pain, and I cried for my coach, but the refs didn’t even bother to stop the game, they probably thought that I was faking an injury. So the play continued to go on and the worst part was that it was in their favor. Finally I got my coach's attention and he told the refs that his player was down, to stop the game! I then had to be carried off the field sit out for the rest of the game. Andrean’s athletic director took a look and made me ice and she said it looked pretty bad, but inside all that was running through my mind was that I was going to be back playing with my teammates

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