Soap Operas' Success in Their Construction of Realism

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Soap Operas' Success in Their Construction of Realism

One of the main appeals to the audience of soap opera is realism.

Realism is the attempt to recreate the real, or to create a perception

or representation of reality. This is created through a number of

ways, such as settings which appear to be realistic, language

including slang and even low-level swearing, and a wide range of

characters in an attempt to reflect society. The events found in soap

operas are usually realistic, and even the dramatic events are within

the possibility of reality. The typical settings in soaps, are

characters' houses, pubs, shops and outside areas such as the streets,

or a local park. These settings are common , as soap opera is based

mainly on community and family, and all of these areas signify those


Most soaps are filmed in real time to a certain extent. If an episode

spans a whole day's events, it is edited so that it appears

believable, using things such as different levels of daylight to

indicate that time has passed. The filming techniques are also, in

general, realistic. It is rare to find flashy editing, and in most

soaps, the cutting between shots and scenes is so smooth that it is

almost invisible. The most common types of shots are medium shots, as

these appear to be the most natural. Close ups may be used to create

tension or emphasise emotions.

Social realism refers to the level of realism reflected about life

within our society. We must remember that it isn't reality, as any

media form is staged and scripted. There are a number of elements of

this, such as people, issues, places, values and experiences etc. If

we consider the level of reality portrayed in contemporary soaps, such

as Eastenders and Coronation Street, we will find many signifiers of

reality, such as local slang and costume, but there is also an element

which stops being reality, such as a plane crashing into Emmerdale,

and Dirty Den's murder in Eastenders. Murder does occur in our

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