Snowboarding Speech

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8 Things You Should Know About...


1.Gear is essential

The most important part about snowboarding is gear. If you don’t have the right gear, then you will have the most miserable time ever. One thing that is essential is a helmet. If you don’t have a helmet, you will get a concussion, and it will be a painful one. You must have a helmet, it is the most important thing. Next is the jacket. You can’t go with a hoodie, since you’ll get soaked (and cold). What kind of jacket will you need? If it is not snowing much, you can settle with a winter coat. (not a fur coat). If not, and in most situations, you will need a ski jacket. You can find them all over, and they are the best. They are very waterproof so everything underneath you won’t get soaking wet.
On skis it is different, since you get off and glide. On a snowboard it is way more difficult. You actually only have a foot strapped in, so you have to put the other foot at the back of your board to control your board. The lift is every beginner’s worst nightmare. Getting flung and falling every time isn’t very fun, but you will get used to it, and finally master it. The lift is your first obstacle.

3.You will fall a lot while learning...a
It looks like it is almost straight up. You dread taking the lift up. That is what a double black diamond is. And there is too much snow up there to actually form enough moguls. Instead you see tiny bumps on the mountain. Double blacks make blacks seem so easy. Double blacks can include stuff like tree runs, which is just between all those trees, super steep runs, or back bowls and cliff jumps. Never do a double black unless you actually think you will be able to turn fast enough and control your speed. If you think even a little that you won’t be able to do it, don’t do it. Double blacks are for experts, and experts only.

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