Snowball Unit 1 Lesson

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Semester B Unit 1 Lesson 10

Introduction and Objective
We have learned that having different scenes with events and conflict occurring in a plot is important to keep the reader engaged. Having particular scenes in a story is also important in helping to develop the overall structure of a story and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, and plot. Each scene that the author includes holds a purpose and helps in development of the story.

Today's lesson objective is: students will be able to analyze how a particular scene fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot.

Think about the objective. What learning skills will you use to achieve this objective? Maybe …show more content…


Instruction, Modeling and Student Activities

As an author writes they think about each scene and the significance it has on the theme, setting and plot. We discussed theme being the inferred message or the big idea. There can be a theme to the story, but also a theme within each chapter.

Example 1:
There is the theme in The Giver that “the unknown can be frightening.” We can come to this conclusion because of the scenes that take place in chapter 1. First there is the mention of the ceremony and the unknown assignment. Then there is the discussion of feelings that night that Jonas where Jonas is worried about sharing his feelings about his assignment that will be coming soon.

Example 2:
Another theme of The Giver is the “significance of memory to human life.” At some point in the past, the community in The Giver decided to eliminate all pain from their lives. By eliminating all the pain, it prevented the members of the community from wanting to engage in activities and relationships that could result in conflict and suffering. According to what we have read so far, memory is …show more content…

Imagine if you never read chapters 1 or 2, would chapters 3 and 4 make sense? They might eventually, but chapters 1 and 2 are the exposition and the scenes that happen there start off the story and the plot.

There is a cause and effect aspect to the events in a story, such as The Giver. The cause and effect is the relationship between two or more events in which on event brings about another. The event that happens first is the cause. The event that happens follows the first event is the effect.

Example 1:
Cinderella was treated horribly by her stepmother and stepsisters. Her fairy Godmother sent her to the ball.
Cause: She lost her glass slipper at the ball and the prince found it.
Effect: the prince came looking for the girl who fit the shoe.

Example 2:
How does Jonas learning all these memories fit into the development of the plot? The memories are what make him desire to share with others. The memories show him that without memories life is not fulfilling, even if some memories are painful. If Lowry just gave him the memories and did not share with the reader Jonas’ reactions, we would not feel for him as the main character. Cause: The giver gave Jonas the memory of color.
Effect: Jonas wanted to share the idea of color with his

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