Smoking Should Be Banned In Canada

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Is the implementation of a Smoking ban in public places a loss for smokers and a win for non smokers? Is a Smoking ban about the rights of a non-smoker versus the rights of a smoker? The fact is that a Smoking ban is not about a winner or loser; it’s about our air quality, our health and society’s obligation to protect those who are too young to protect themselves from second hand-smoke. Health Canada has stated that exposure to second-hand smoke is as harmful as if you were actually smoking because the nicotine, carcinogens and toxic chemicals are found in both tobacco smoke and second-hand smoke. More than two dozen diseases and conditions have been attributed to smoking; however the majority of these effects can reverse once you quit smoking. …show more content…

Emphysema limits your ability to breathe as a result of the lining of the lungs becomes damage beyond repair and the most common cause for this is from toxins in cigarette smoke.
Locations for implementing a smoking ban
Implementing a smoking ban is not a new concept; in fact, smoking bans have been implementing throughout Canada since 2003 in various degrees. Since these implementations begun, Canadians have become more aware of SHS and its effect on our health; however adhering to smoking bans is quite another thing. Even if we implement a smoking ban, who is to say that everyone will follow it, that people will enforce it and that it won’t just be ignored!
Public places (restaurants and bars)
As of January 1, 2015 a new Smoke-Free Strategy was implemented making it illegal to smoke on all bar and restaurant patios (covered or not). This Ontario strategy is focusing is on reducing tobacco use and ultimately lowering health risks to non-smokers. Because of strategies such as this, more smokers might decide to stop smoking, teenagers might never start and exposure to SHS will be

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