Smoking Informative Speech

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Don't smoke! Do you or anyone you care about smoke cigarettes? Smoking has a lot of effects on your body, your health, and the people around you. Smoking has a lot of short term and long term effects, and the expenses of smoking is a lot more than you think. There are more than 480,000 deaths per year in the U.S. Caused by smoking cigarettes. Nobody should start smoking cigarettes, and if you do smoke then you should quit. Smoking cigarettes has many short term effects. Smoking causes a huge change in your physical appearance. Some short term effects of smoking are bad breath, bad taste in mouth, smelly hair and clothes, yellow and brown stains on teeth, chronic cough, and addiction of nicotine. Some short term effects of smoking that affect your health are damage to respiratory system, decreased lung capacity, elevated heart rate, and limited lung growth and function if used in youth. Also can cause short term stimulation to the brain and nervous system because of reduction in the blood flow to the hands and feet. Smoking is not the correct way to lose weight, and if you smoke it is likely that you do not have a normal appetite. A huge change in your physical appearance that smoking changes is your skin, you will most likely have older …show more content…

Smokers effect and harm non smokers by second hand smoke. There are around 41,000 deaths from second hand smoke a year in the U.S. About 1,300 people die each day because of second hand smoke. Each year secondhand smoke causes about 600,000 premature deaths. There are more than 4000 chemicals in cigarettes, and more than 50 are known to cause cancer. If you smoke cigarettes you could give someone else the risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases when they don't even smoke cigarettes. If you smoke cigarettes while pregnant, it can cause low birth weight or sudden

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