Slavic Mythology

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Slavic mythology is characterized by the fact that it is a comprehensive creation story. It represents not a separate branch of the national representations of the world like a fantasy, or religion; but is embodied even in the home – whether it is rites, rituals, worship or agricultural calendar or demonology. Therefore, practically destroyed in past, it continues to live in images, symbols, rituals and in the language itself.

Paganism covers the entire field of spiritual culture and much of the material culture of ancient peoples, but most of all human's relations with nature. The main focus for ancient humans was the relationship with nature. Therefore, the worship of nature can be considered as one of pagan’s most important properties. The nature’s objects such as the sun, the moon, stars, air, fire, water, animals, plants, stones, etc are recognized as deities.

Every mythology is the flesh and blood of people it has created. It is a mirror that reflects the character of the nation, its values and anti-values. The myth is in direct contact with the environment of the people-creators. It is very interesting to compare the mythological systems of different nations, displaying the correspondences and contrasts. “The farther you go from the Mediterranean Sea to the North the sterner spirit of mythology becomes, and the crueler gods, bloody battles, tragic conflicts and hopeless fates become. The ‘increasing drama’ reaches its height in the extreme Northern European mythology, the mythology of Scandinavians.” (Gritsanov 1312) In general, Scandinavian mythology produces severe and sublime experience. It is obvious that it belonged to the stern and courageous people who did not fear to face death. The whole course of the...

... middle of paper ... our souls with a new understanding of the nature that surrounds us. After all, our ancestors were more sensitive to the entire universe. The echoes of both creation myths still live in their societies. The twentieth century was the era of genuine revival of Norse mythology - both cultural and practical. The new paganism literally afflicted Europe and North America, restoring the rights of the ancient faith, giving it the official status. In the literature, an entire area, known as "Nordic fantasy”, is based on mythological Scandinavian stories. In other words, the Scandinavian myths regained its “flesh and blood” and deserve the favorable attention.

Religion of our ancestors, which some consider as forgotten, to this day continues to live in people’s everyday life. Some pagan Slavs’ holidays like Maslenitsa, Lele’s Holiday or Svarog’s day are still celebrated.

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