Slavery And Slave Trade In Oroonoko By Aphra Behn

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The history of human civilisation is characterised by different stages of human moral and ethical development. In other words, what can be viewed as moral and socially-acceptable in nineteenth century is far from being so nowadays. The issue of slavery and the slave trade is one of the most horrific lessons of history none should ever forget. In order to make sure that contemporary generation understands the horror of the slave trade, it I need to be studied in the diversity of its discourses. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how the novel “Oroonoko” by Aphra Behn creates an accurate picture of the triangular slave trade in Europe, Africa and the Caribbean in the seventeenth century.
Although, in order to create an accurate reflection …show more content…

In this regard, the author shows that irrespective of being a slave, Oroonoko played by the rules and hoped to receive freedom legally for himself, his beloved woman and their unborn child. It the denial of the opportunity for freedom and return to being treated like a free man again triggered further anger and revolt against the owners. This demonstrates the reality of different perceptions of slavery from two sides of the line. In this regard, it can be argued that irrespective of her imperialist views, the author reflects the duality of slavery status contrary to colonial …show more content…

Furthermore, another reflection of the accurate reflection of the slave trade was the demonstration of the main character’s punishment and final execution. In this regard, the primary function of the severe punishment and the use of horrible death was to strengthen the existing trade slavery system and keep slaves compliant to the existing order in the colonies. Thus, the author showed the link between the success and profitability of the slave trade and the ability of the colonial authorities to preserve compliance of the slaves (Richardson 755).
Overall, from all mentioned above it can be concluded that the authors managed to describe the accurate picture of the triangular slave trade through various means. The author used diverse details in order to show the complexity of the slave trade in terms of numbers, locations, products, routes. However, the factual information was not primary in the accurate reflection. The main emphasis placed in this novel was on demonstrating the role of the slave trade in its functionality of British industrialisation and further development of the empire. It was also shown through the detailed explanation of different views on slavery by slaves and their owners. Thus, the author created a multi-facet accurate picture of triangular slavery of the described

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