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The author of this article, Evgeny Morozov, writes about how online campaigns through Facebook are generally unsuccessful because they allow supports to be lazy, or in this case, slack off. Those who join campaigns on Facebook to spread awareness feel as if they have done their part and stop helping the cause. However, these people would most likely be more beneficial if they had joined the cause off-line and continued to help or contribute. Morozov brings up “social-loafing” in order to explain the slacktivism. Social-loafing is with increasing numbers of people, the amount of effort contributed by a single person decrease than if they were to try to do it on their own. The author then gives advice on how to make online campaigning successful, …show more content…

The access and ease of it just couldn’t compare in the modern day. Slacktivism has become a concern of many of us over time. It has manifested itself as a tendency for people to replace actual direct action, civil disobedience, person-to-person organizing, and other civic duties such as participating in the electoral process at all levels (and techniques), with “supporting the cause” through “likes, shares, and posts”. Among the several social platforms, particularly Twitter, slacktivism has become a coined term by social activists including Morozov, and has will continue to provide guidance moving forward towards a stronger, and much more socially impactful virtual …show more content…

The premise behind clicktivism is that social media allows for quick and easy ways to support an organization or cause. The rise of social, and other digital media, has seen an equally large surge in the way that NGOs utilize the Internet for campaigning, and so to limit clicktivism to solely the promotion of a cause does it, and the work that these organizations have done, a disservice. Clicktivism is not exclusively the support or promotion of a cause online. It is the use of digital media for facilitating social change and activism. More often than not this takes the form of supporting and promoting a cause on social

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