Skull And Bones Conspiracy Research Paper

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Darah Seaton
Mr. Bergmann
Senior English P2
1 April 2015
Skull and Bones
The Skull and Bones conspiracy is a popular conspiracy. Skull and Bones is an undergraduate senior secret society at Yale. It was founded in 1932. Members of Skull and Bones are known as Bonesmen. There is not just one conspiracy surrounding the Skull and Bones society. There are many conspiracies such as Skull and Bones is a branch of the Illuminati, Skull and Bones controls the Central Intelligence Agency, Skull and Bones was made to smuggle drugs, Skull and Bones are grave robbers, and that Skull and Bones plays a role in a conspiracy for world control. The secret society of Skull and Bones has been said to be a branch of the Illuminati. The Illuminati is …show more content…

Some say the reason Skull and Bones was created was to help with drug smuggling. This is not a popular conspiracy theory but however some still believe it to be true. It has also been said that Skull and Bones worked with the Central Intelligence Agency to smuggle the drugs for the Central Intelligence Agency. This claim has not been proven.
The members of Skull and Bones are said to be grave robbers. They are alleged to have done this on many occasions but the most prominent one is that they stole Geronimo’s skull from Fort Sill, Oklahoma along with other items. Many have looked into the matter but nothing has been confirmed because there has been no proof. Just alleged claims. A chairman of the Fort Sill Apache tribe of Oklahoma says the whole story is a hoax and the bones and items are in the grave.
Skull and Bones like many other groups have been alleged to want world control. This is one reason they are associated with the Illuminati. This is just an alleged claim with little proof other than some members have gone into important government positions.
The truth about these claims is that haven’t been proven. The conspiracy that Skull and Bones is a part of the Illuminati, that Skull and Bones controls the Central Intelligence Agency, Skull and Bones was made to smuggle drugs, Skull and Bones are grave robbers, and that Skull and Bones want world …show more content…

A few members of Skull and Bones have gone on to jobs in the Central Intelligence Agency but that doesn’t prove that they are controlling it.
The conspiracy that Skull and Bones was made to smuggle drugs, (some even say for the Central Intelligence Agency), has been around since the secret society began. Like the other claims there is no proof of this claim.
There have been many claims that some Skull and Bones members are grave robbers. There has not been any evidence found supporting this claim. Except for a letter from a member saying that they took Geronimo’s skull and other items from his grave, but it is said that the letter is a fake because the name on the letter was a member who was at the University at the time the other members were in the area of the skull.
The only proof that Skull and Bones want control is that many members have gone on to important government positions.
These conspiracy theories all seem false with no real evidence to back any of these claims. Skull and Bone say be a secret society but it does not appear like these are the secrets they are keeping.

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