Sir Isaac Newton: Brilliant Mathematician and Scientist

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ir Isaac Newton was an English physicist and a mathematician who was also one of the greatest scientists that ever lived. In the branch of physics, he discovered the three laws of motion and was the first person to explain gravitation, defining the nature of mass, force, weight and acceleration. To truly understand Sir Isaac Newton we must first look back at his childhood. Newton was born in the country of Lincolnshire, England on January 4th, 1643 according to modern reckoning. His father died just months before he was even born and when he was only three years old, his mother had left him in the care of his grandmother. He soon got interested in building different things such as water clocks, a model mill powered by a mouse as well as countless numbers of drawings and diagrams. When he was 12 years old, he began to attend King’s School but, his schooling did not last for long. His mother took him out of school with the intention of making him into a farmer. Newton’s childhood was anything but, happy and throughout his life he occasionally fell into violent and bitter attacks against friends and foes. However things changed when Newton’s uncle recognized his skills and managed to get him back to school to prepare for university entrance. In 1661 he managed to get into Cambridge University.

When Sir Isaac Newton was in university he kept a journal where he was able to express his ideas on different topics. He became very interested in math after he bought a book at a fair and did not understand the math concepts in it. Newton graduated with a bachelor’s degree in 1665. However, the continuation of his education was interrupted by the plague. It was because of this, he spent 18 months back in Lincolnshire. During this time New...

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