Sins In The Picture Of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde

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Sins will always haunt you unless taken care of The Picture of Dorian Gray is a novel written by Oscar Wilde. Dorian is a stunning young man with looks that would make a woman go nuts. He has a youthfulness that will never leave him no matter how old he grows or what he does. Although he might look like an amazing guy, he is no angel. Dorian is a sinner, a deadly sinner and has no problem continually doing it. Dorians sins are the worst and no matter what happens he seems to keep his composure and not let anything stop him from his wrong doings. Sin is not something Dorian can run away from and in the end payback is going to come. In the text, Dorian seems to not care about his sins at any point in time. He walks around most of the time

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