Single Parents Essay

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The amount of times I have heard negative comments about single parents is unthinkable. I have heard things from “children of single parents are generally more likely to be poor and to drop out of high school” (Pollet 2) to “they are more likely to become teen parents” (Pollet 2). Of course, me being raised by a single mother, I find these comments extremely insulting. My mother raised me with so much love and my childhood is filled with so many happy memories. I am currently a college student, about to end my first semester of my first year. I never even thought about dropping out because my mother raised me to work for what I want. I am not pregnant, nor do I have a child and I have never been in trouble with the law. My mother has raised …show more content…

In addition, the purpose of this paper is not to shame those with a mother and a father in their life, but to prove that being raised by a single parent can be just as beneficial and wonderful to the child. It does not matter if parents raise their children by themselves or as a couple. If they raise their children right that Is what is important. Since I was little my mother always taught me right from wrong. She taught me to respect others and treat them the way I wanted to be treated. She taught me to always say “please” and “thank you.” Also she never failed to make me feel loved and important. I always knew that I had her support no matter what. I can honestly say she is my best friend and I am so proud to have her as both a mother and father. She never tried to have my biological father stay away from me. Any questions that I had about him she would …show more content…

If they see strong parent working hard to succeed most likely they will be the same way. If they see a parent giving up on many things in their life or quitting many jobs then most likely the child will do the same. “The results of one study, which examined children born to always-single mothers and not those single as a result of divorce, suggested that the key for many children “is growing up in a stable household, where they don’t go through divorce or other changes in the family- whether that is in a single-parent home or a married home” (Pollet 2). Raising a child on your own is not easy and getting it perfect is way past it. Everyone has their ways of teaching their kids to do things and all families have problems in their life. Teens can become rebellious even being raised by a good mother and father. Situations like these sometimes just happen and we are humans we make mistakes, children make mistakes. It seems to me that in this generation there are more kids dropping out of school then I have ever seen before. Most kids I met that dropped out live with their married parents at home. That surprised even me because I don’t have two people in my life telling me to not give up on school. I don’t have two people supporting my life decisions. I just have one and that’s my mother but she made enough effort to show me what I can be If I do things right. “It can be extremely difficult for one parent to raise a

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