Similarities Between The Giver And Modern Day Society

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Many people have tried to create a perfect society. However, the idea of a perfect society and the reality of one are very different. A perfect society, in all honesty, is not possible. All attempts are considered a dystopia. Dystopias are commonly found in teen fiction books such as The Giver, Hunger Games and Divergent. Many people say that if certain actions happen in the future, our modern society could easily become a dystopia. The Giver and modern day society have many differences and some similarities. One of the many things that is different about our modern day society and the society in The Giver are the rules. In modern day society we all have individual rights along with the laws set by our government. As members of our society we have rights such as: rights to a free trial, freedom of speech, freedom of expression and others. In The Giver the society has many rules and no individual rights. In The Giver it says,” For a contributing citizen to be released from the community was a final decision, a terrible punishment, an overwhelming statement of failure”( Lowry 2). Being released based on actions is an example of the lack of individual freedom. In our community, we also are able to make our own choices with only little limitations. In the society of The Giver their choices are limited by the rules and laws set by the …show more content…

In our modern day we have no limit on an amount of children in a household and in most places in our society we are able to marry someone who is not of the opposite gender. In The Giver it says, “Two children- one male, one female- to each family unit. It was written very clearly in the rules”( Lowry 8). The only way to receive children is by applying for them. Members of the society also have to apply to have a spouse. Though things are different each societies wait until a certain age is reached to get married and have children

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