Similarities Between The Declaration Of Independence, And The Bill Of Rights

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The Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights are all very important documents in today's world. The Constitution was drafted in May 1787 but wasn’t ratified until June of 1788, which gave all thirteen colonies a basis of the U.S. Government. The Declaration of Independence was written in June of 1776 and was signed on July 4, 1776, which gave the thirteen colonies their freedom from Great Britain. The Bill of Rights was written in September of 1789 but wasn't ratified until December of 1791, which was written to give the government a list of specific prohibitions on government power. All of these documents were all written during a time where everyone had their own opinions about what the colonies should be governed by the people of the country or Great Britain and their monarchy. …show more content…

The Declaration of Independence gave the thirteen colonies their freedom from Great Britain. When the colonies had broken away from Britain, they started to make their own government, which lead to the making of the Constitution. Soon after when the Constitution was trying to be ratified, Virginia and New York wanted there to be a ground set of rules that would make sure the people are protected, the Bill of Rights came into play. The similarities between all of these documents is that they changed the United States in a very dramatic way. The declaration of independence gave the thirteen colonies their freedom from Great Britain, which started the making of the Constitution and soon after the Bill of

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