Similarities Between The Crucible And Mccarthyism

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Miller and McCarthyism 1950’s America: the nation is tightly grasped in the fear of the communist Soviet Union and the possibility of Russian spies inside the United States. McCarthyism is the anti-communist legislation invented by Senator Joseph McCarthy. Senator McCarthy states there are 205 card carrying Americans who are spies for the communist party. One of the alleged is Arthur Miller. In his play The Crucible he depicts the pandemonium of the Red Scare and McCarthyism in the setting of Salem, Massachusetts 1692 when the infamous witch hunts occurred. Miller displays how the towns established leadership is easily corruptible, how hysteria controls the public opinion, and when panic sets in even the most respectable members of society …show more content…

This fear allowed for opportunistic individuals seeking personal fame to gain power and influence and remove their opponents. In the Crucible Abigail uses the witch hunt to further her vindictive plans against Elizabeth Proctor. This is proven in act 1 when Betty exclaims “You did, you did! You drank a charm to kill John Proctor’s wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor” (Miller 20). When the incumbent senator McCarthy campaigned for reelection after a disappointing first term he turned to corruption to achieve victory. Edmund Walsh a close friend of McCarthy prompts the idea of a crusade against the Communists to gain favor in the government. As the Cold War Museum states “McCarthy enthusiastically agreed and took advantage of the nation’s wave of frantic terror of communism, and emerged on February 9, 1950, claiming he had a list of 205 people in the State Department who were known members of the American Communist Party.” The established court in Salem was quickly enveloped in the terror and sought out the accused the potential witches and when someone confesses they are required to tell the court another that could be a witch or wizard. Much like the American government when they ask the accused they are required to give up another communist. This process creates a never ending vicious cycle of accusations and …show more content…

Many knew the hunts seemed peculiar when innocents like Rebecca Nurse and Owen Lattimore were accused. Owen Lattimore was a former liaison for American-Chinese relations before Chang Kai-Shek was defeated; “In 1950, McCarthy accused Lattimore of being the number one spy for the Soviets. After facing 12 days of intense questioning by McCarthy and his committee, Lattimore was charged with seven counts of perjury” (Victims). He had been a respectable diplomat and had his reputation ruined by McCarthy’s puppeteering of the public. Rebecca Nurse was one of the most revered citizens in Salem when the accusation was thrown against her the town was shocked. Reverend Hale even said “if Rebecca Nurse be tainted, then nothings left to stop the whole green world from burning”(Miller 75). Even though they had respectable reputations they were still deemed untrustworthy due to public outcry, thus showing that no matter their reputation when fear rules the land no one is outside the

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