Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet

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When falling in love with someone, people often don’t get a chance to carefully think things through, which often causing them to do something embarrassing or even dangerous. By reading Romeo & Juliet, it can be proven that this often happens. Romeo & Juliet, a play by William Shakespeare about two star- crossed lovers proves that this often happens. The families of these two characters have a long history of feuds with no explanation behind it, and because of this, Romeo and Juliet are forced to discover other ways to be with each other. While Shakespeare does suggest that love is a beautiful thing, he also implies that it may cause people to do irrational and dangerous things that a person normally wouldn't consider doing.
Romeo and Juliet decide to get married, despite their families view of one another, even though they only met each other the day before. Shakespeare writes, “So smile upon this holy act that after-hours with sorrow chide us not” ( 2.6.1) . The Friar is very happy that the couple is getting married, but he is also nervous about what the outcome of that bold act may be. The play also states, “ My life were better ended by their hate …show more content…

It states, “ O, if I ( wake) shall I not be distraught, environed with all these hideous fears… Romeo, Romeo, Romeo! Here’s drink. I drink to thee” ( 4.3. 51- 59). Since Juliet’s yearning to be with Romeo was so great, she decided to risk her own life to forever be with him. Later in the script, she even takes her own life with no hesitation because Romeo took his own for her’s. The script stated, “ O, happy dagger, this is thy sheath. There rust, and let me die ” ( 5.3.174-175). This shows that without thinking anything through, she decided to take everything away from herself because of love for a man she met days

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