Similarities Between Hamlet And The Lion King Hamlet

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Shakespeare Tragedies and the Correlation to Modern-Day Entertainment: Shakespeare, an author and notorious writer of the late 1500s, is one we have all come to know as he is an extremely influential part of modern-day literature. One of his most popular plays that he wrote was Hamlet, one of his many tragedy stories. It was an extremely big play during the decade, and even today, 400 years later, high school and numerous college students still study it. Many different books, movies, television shows, and other aspects of our lives have been written and created using Shakespearean literature ideas. One example of this is the cherished movie, The Lion King. Although many may not know it was created by using the story Hamlet, it uses influential …show more content…

In Hamlet, King Hamlet was murdered with poison and died a quick yet painful death. Yet, in The Lion King Scar tricks the Mufasa, Scar puts Simba in a terrible position, and has the hyenas start a stampede, as Simba is running for his life Scar gets Mufasa and tells him his son is in trouble. With Mufasa saving his son's life yet losing his own as Scar throws him off a cliff, Scar gains the seat as King. Scar then scares young Simba into making him believe it was his fault and that he needs to run far away and never come back. Simba runs far away, finally meets his best friends, and lives in the jungle for a long period until he sees the ghost or spirit of his father. Sounds familiar, right? That’s because Hamlet also saw his father’s ghost and knew he had to avenge his death, as Hamlet’s overarching goal is to kill his uncle and get rid of the problem all at once. Simbas is quite different; his goal is to get the kingdom back on its feet, become king, and banish his terrible uncle from the kingdom. Overall, the films share the idea of their villainous uncles and the goal to avenge their …show more content…

First, let's break down Hamlet, the play ends with Latres and Hamlet having a sword fight, and with Hamlet gaining the first point Latres and Claudius’s plan begins to unfold. In both the films, the uncles wanted their nephews dead and took many measures to try and ensure that would happen. In Hamlet, the intense sword fight continues and Hamlet wins, yet Claudius and his mischievous plan start to fall into place. Claudius killed King Hamlet by poisoning him, and his goal was to do the same with Hamlet. The duel was simply a friendly type of fight with a secret and hideous plan. Laertes and the king knew Hamlet would most likely win so they put poison in the cup of wine to kill him, however after Gertrude (Hamlet's mother) accidentally poisoned herself by drinking it Laetres came up with a new plan. He dipped the tip of his sword into the capsule of poison in hopes of stabbing Hamlet, ending it once and for all. It leads into an intense moment of them fighting and Laetres ends up stabbing Hamlet, Then with Hamlet realizing what was on the tip of the sword he stabs Laetres and throws him over the

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