Similarities Between Green Eggs And Ham By Dr. Seuss

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The last book on my favorite children’s books list could be nothing other than the famous book Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. This book just has to be one of many favorite children’s book all over the world. Just to tell you a little about the book, Dr. Seuss uses very contemporary tones in which the phrase Sam-I-Am is repeatedly asks very persistently toward his anonymous friend, in an abundance of ways, whether his friend would like ham or green eggs. As the story begins, Sam's unnamed friend is uncooperative. He tells Sam-I-Am that he does not like anything by saying, "I would not like them" in "a box" or "a house," nor with "a fox" or "a mouse," that he "would not eat them here or there," and in fact "would not eat them anywhere."(pg.6) Yet Sam-I-Am's anonymous friend dictated his anti-ham facade, which proves to be evanescent, as the perceptible highlight of the yarn, he suddenly and without caution embraces that which he has disdained to that accusatory moment in time. …show more content…

His anonymous friend now present a desire for the cuisine, but not “in a boat" and "on a train," but also "in the dark" and "in a tree." (pg.

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