Similarities Between And Then There Were None And The Hound Of The Baskervilles

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Undoubtedly, most people despise and look down upon the lower class, and definitely don’t want to be part of it, for they are ignored and not allowed to be a part of things. In And Then There Were None, Mr. Rogers is the butler. He doesn’t have much say in anything important, and knows his place. This is very similar to Mr. Barrymore in The Hound of the Baskervilles. They both are butlers, and are quite intelligent, but they often do not have the chance to share their knowledge for fear of being looked down upon by the upper classes. They always do their job, no matter what has happened, and they always do whatever they need to do, whether its for themselves or others. Additionally, both men are married, and if they go down, no matter who’s

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