Similarities Between African Americans And Asian Americans

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African American and Asian American are continuously treated unlike any other racial group in the country. They are judge by their race, religion, background information, and physical appearances. Asian American face model minority daily because they are “supposed” to be smart, wealthy, hard-working, never in need of assistance, and living “the American dream.” On the contrary, African American are seen as criminals, “drug dealers”, no education, and poor. These are all examples of internalized racism. Micro-aggression is similar to this, except it comes from another individual, or a smaller group. African American and Asian American are discriminated based on their background. African Americans and Asian American are facing daily microaggressions which changes how they view this world. Don went to a bookstore and faces examples of microinsults because he was black.“Don told me he had been at the bookstore, where a young white women had asked if he needed any help, and he’d snapped, “Do …show more content…

“The myth comes hand in hand with other statements like, “If Asians can be successful by working hard, why can’t black people?” It serves as a functional stereotype that uplifted the narrative of meritocracy and the American Dream”(Kuo 2) This points out people assume that all Asian are hardworking. It all dependents on the person and how motivated they are to work hard and become successful. “However, the model minority myth equates voluntary immigrant experiences with the experiences of those who have descended from slavery and those who arrived involuntarily and, or by force, such as a result of war or U.S. colonization and expansion projects abroad”(Kuo 3) This states how Asian American are seen as immigrants in this country which is sad because what if they were born in the U.S. Asian American are as hardworking as any other racial group. So why are they get discriminated based on their hard

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