Silence and Stereotype in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

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Many times in society, people tend to create different stereotypes or view people as “different” or “unusual”. People are constantly judging before considering facts and other valuable information. Sadly, most victims that are being judged are wrongly convicted. The idea of judging and characterizing a person by how he/she looks, seems to be typical and common. Very few people in today’s day and age take the time to discover the true qualities of a person who may be convicted and is either behind bars or being judged for things they have never done. Sometimes, the people who are being as weird, inferior or irrelevant tend to become extremely important and even influential in books, movies and real life. Similarly, in Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, the readers are introduced to Tom Robinson and Boo Radley who are found to be similar in their symbolic representation of a mockingbird, their constant wrath of judgment from may comb citizens and the further development of a theme of kindness and gratitude
One of the first qualities seen in both characters is their representation of a mockingbird. In the novel, mockingbirds are known as species that do not harm anyone in the community. All they do is mind their own business and are a pleasure to look at. The readers are introduced to this idea when Atticus states that Mockingbirds “make music for us to enjoy” and that it would be a “sin to kill a mockingbird.” (Lee19). Atticus explains this quote to help his children understand that although they were allowed to have guns, they must never use it to target anything that is not harmful. Although he doesn’t specifically say that Boo and Tom are mockingbirds he does imply it. Throughout the story both Tom and Boo are very quiet ...

... middle of paper ... asked Tom to help her break a dresser, Tom willingly helped her (Lee 257). Without hesitating Tom was showing kindness by helping her out when in return he received hatred from a women he personally helped. Both Boo and Tom’s gratitude and kindness was evident but not accepted.
In conclusion, both Boo and Tom were extremely similar in many ways throughout the novel. They were both innocent, judged and showed love through all that was going on. They were both examples of true Mockingbirds. There was a visible difference between them and the society they lived in. In all the chaos and turbulence they represented a light of hope and good in a world of darkness. People judged them and showed resentment. Many readers can learn a lesson of kindness even when the world seems to look upon a person it does not exempt a person from being an influence in a corrupt world.

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