Should Zoonotic Animals Be Used To Write An Argumentative Essay On Zoos

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Morals, “the distinction between right and wrong”, are what make a person’s decisions ethical or not (“morals”). For decades zoos have been one of America’s most common pastimes, but it has also been questioned whether they should exist. Zoos are meant for recreation and education, but the question is whether or not it is beneficial to its’ inhabitants. The treatment of animals in any zoo has been a controversial argument over what is correct, if the animal’s welfare is in the best interest of the animal or the zoo’s profit, and if captivity is beneficial to the animals, not just the public. (Captivity in certain cases can be beneficial to animals, but also can be detrimental to their well being.) It has been seen that animals kept in …show more content…

Zoonotic diseases can be caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi. These diseases are very common. Scientists estimate that more than 6 out of every 10 infectious diseases in humans are spread from animals.” (“Zoonotic Diseases”) Many don’t realize that you don’t even have to come into contact with the animals (“Zoonotic Diseases). You can simply breathe the same air as they do and have diseases transmitted into your body. Young children and the elderly are the most vulnerable to these diseases, and young children are a zoo’s biggest demographic. The young are the key to success in zoo marketing because they have one of the largest fascinations with these animals. To prevent zoonotic diseases from spreading it is a zoo’s goal to have barriers and adequate distances between man and animal. The most common way these diseases are spread are in petting zoos (Miller). These animals don’t always come from sanitary places nor may they live in a sanitary enclosure at the petting zoo. Petting zoo’s should provide an area to cleanse your hands before entering and while exiting the petting area (Miller). This can aide in the prevention of spreading diseases, but there is always a chance. Although not every disease can be prevented from spreading there is ways to help lessen the chances of it

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