Should Students Quit Vaping In School?

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Have you ever walked into the bathroom at school and you could tell and sometimes even see people vaping? Student vaping in schools is extremely bad because it affects test scores because the teachers do not know how to properly discipline students that are caught vaping, as well as students are more likely to quit than young adults. Students that are willing to quit vaping in schools are great. If you refer them to a source to get help, it will work better than suspension or expulsion because they get to stay in school as well as quit a bad habit. Students being willing to quit is a great thing because they do not need to be expelled or suspended when they can still get an education but leave behind that bad habit. The proper way to discipline students that are caught vaping is not by suspension or expulsion, but by referring them to the proper sources to help them quit vaping. Yes students vaping is bad however if you suspend or expel them they get less education and ultimately lower test scores meaning that the students will not gain anything from punishment other than time at home. The way you discipline students that are caught vaping should be changed so that they are …show more content…

A test was done about students caught vaping in schools and it proves that they are going to the bathroom to lower their stress levels and focus a lot more during class because they were distracted. If they are not doing it for a bad reason such as trying to cope with something or trying to peer pressure someone into vaping, they are not as bad as people think. Some may say they help others, but the truth is they only cause more problems. Students do not vape in school because they want to, they do it because they need to focus more and want to get a better education all

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