Should Sports Teams Be Allowed To Use Indian Names Or Mascots?

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In recent discussions of sports teams with Native American names and mascots, a controversial issue with whether sports teams should or should not be allowed to use Indian mascots and names appeared. On one hand, some argue that sports teams should not be allowed to use them. From this perspective, Native American names and logos are derogatory and not celebratory. On the other hand, however, others argue that sports teams should be allowed to use Indian names and mascots. My own view is that sports teams should not use them. Though I concede that many fans of sports teams like and want to keep Indian names and mascots , I still maintain that they should not be used. Although some might claim that sports teams are honoring …show more content…

Displaying these Indian names and mascots are offensive and racist. Sports teams should ban the use of them. Sports teams that have Indian names or mascots are offensive to Native culture and their race. Philip Yenyo, executive director of the American Indian Movement of Ohio, claims, “...a red-face, smiling savage does great harm to us and our culture and has done so for many years” (McGraw). The mascot for the Cleveland Indians is disrespectful to Native Americans and has been insulting to their race for years. The mascot portrays a stereotypical version of how American Indians might act or how they might look, which is clearly racist and offensive. The leader of the Oneida Indian Nation and CEO of the Oneida Nation Enterprises, Ray Halbritter, also adds that Indian names used by sports teams, such as “redskins”, is not acceptable. Halbritter asserts, “the word was born out of hatred and -- referred to the long, ugly history between the native people of the Americas and the colonizers from Europe who followed Columbus” (Martinez). The term “redskins” has never had a positive effect on Native Americans since …show more content…

It is insulting that individuals that did not go through the struggle are using the word for celebration and are benefiting from it. Native American tradition and heritage are being exploited by sports teams and their supporters. Ruth Hopkins, an author from The Guardian, states, “..adopt Native identity to appear more exotic, or for some other perceived benefit, yet lack a genuine claim to Native heritage, their actions are little more than an extension of manifest destiny…” People are declaring that they have Native American blood in them without a real reason to pretend to seem more interesting. These people are taking Native American heritage and adopting it when they have no right to do that. They are taking advantage of Native American heritage. This is racial identity theft. Ruth Hopkins also says, “Others claim Native heritage so they can speak for us.” Native Americans rarely get to speak for themselves and always has a person speaking for them that does not come from Native descent. They are stealing the racial identity of an American Indian to benefit from

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