Should Pitbulls Be Banned

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Imagine yourself sitting peacefully in your house with your dog, and then the police storming in to tell you and your dog need to leave the county. This is the life of some people with a certain type of dog. Pit bulls. They are known as bloodthirsty, vicious, violent dogs. This is incorrect for most of them, only some pit bulls attack. Pit Bulls have been targeted by the media, putting fake stuff for everyone to see and over exaggerating the attack, if it was an attack at all. They used to be respected historically, until a couple of instances of dog attacks, people claiming it was a pit bull. Owners don’t think of their own pit bulls at all as vicious, violent animals, loving and trusting their fluffy puppies. So why shouldn’t people be allowed to have pit bulls in certain places? …show more content…

When the media does post stuff about pit bulls, it most of the time is over exaggerating the “attack” placing fear into people. And even worse, is that The ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) told the animal control officers to not report any dog attacks by any dog other than pit bulls. The more famous dogs like Golden Retrievers and Labradors, will not be reported. The media will also report attacks with the dog breed unknown, but immediately thinking it as a pit bull. But when the person reporting this reveals it wasn’t a pit bull, the damage was done and it would go viral. Imagine if this was criticism on your pet, how would that make you

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