Should People Be Kept Away From Other Countries

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Have you ever been blamed for something you never did, how would it feel to be judged just because of your background. Imagine not being able to see your family just because you don’t share the same beliefs. Should people be kept away from their families for something they haven’t done? As a Muslim-American I believe no one should have the right to keep anyone away from the ones they love. Last month on January 27th President Donald Trump signed an executive order which bans people from 7 major Muslim countries from coming to the United States. The seven major countries are Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. There are over 200 million Muslims who live in those countries, and the executive order will affect millions of Muslims who won’t be able to visit the U.S. anymore or see their relatives who live in America …show more content…

One of my cousins who lives in Virginia, is a senior in high school and he is graduating this June. His grandparents, who have been living in Iran there whole lives, applied for a Visa so they could attend his graduation. But two weeks ago they received a letter informing them that their visa was declined just because they were applying from Iran so they won’t be able to attend their grandson’s graduation. I have many Muslim friends that are immigrants and attend college and many of them are scared that they might be forced to go back any day. No one should live in fear of what could happen to them. The Equal Protection Clause is part of the Fourteenth Amendment which states that you can’t single out individuals for their religion and nationality. But President Trump obviously violated the 14th amendment. The equal protection clause was written for a reason and the president’s violation has affected my family and many other families around the

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