Should Kids Make Their Own Choice Essay

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think kids don’t need to make their own choice. Most of the time kids don’t really know what’s good for them, they just want to do it because their friends might be telling them to or just to seem cool! Mary said “ Because the majority of teens are not mature but they think they are. This lead to them making very stupid decisions and that they regret as adults.” If the teens make a BAD choice it can mess them all up in the long run & the the parents is going to wish that they would of help them make their choice. I bet the kids who make their own choice getting in so much trouble then the kids who have to go by what their parents say! Plus they is young to try to make their own decisions. If kids got to pick their own choices by …show more content…

The fact is it's part of your children's "job" to do stupid things. Bad decision making is an essential part of their road to maturity. A problem arises, however, if their poor decision making continues. This usually occurs when parents don't hold them responsible for their poor decisions, instead, bailing them out of the trouble their children get into. These children learn that they aren't responsible for their decisions and can continue to do stupid things with outfear of consequences.” Norma Bourland: Our son started using drugs when he was 14 years old. We had just moved to another state for the second time in two years, after living overseas as missionaries for the first 12 years of our son’s life. This was a lot for all of us in our family to handle, especially for an adolescent. Because my husband was the pastor of a small evangelical church, we lived on a limited budget, whereas our new community was very affluent. Our son’s new high school was huge, with about three thousand students. He was the youngest one on his soccer team, and although he was very skilled because he had been playing almost from the time he was born, he had a bit of an accent and was unsure of American ways. So he kind of stood

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