Controversies Surrounding Gun Shows and Legislation

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Since the invention of firearms, a large number of people have seen, held, shot, or owned a firearm. In today’s society, there is a conflict on the laws surrounding gun shows and how these shows should be handled. Many people believe Congress should attempt to limit the access to these guns, while others believe the current laws in place are substantial. It is believed that gun shows give citizens who wish to commit criminal acts access to obtain these weapons. Limiting access to firearms could help control who is able to buy these guns, however, gun shows are not the only blame for when criminals obtain firearms legally/illegally. Under federal law, when licensed dealers at gun shows sell a gun to a buyer they must perform a background …show more content…

According to the ATF regulations, one of the most common rules they require is that the gun dealer must have their license displayed as well as keeping accurate records of their sells. Some rules even go as far as they can only sell certain firearms to those who live in the state they are living in (“Gun Show Guidelines”). This could essentially create problems to gun dealers who rely on their profits at these gun shows to sustain a way of living. This in return could cause those gun dealers to break the laws and may potentially sell a gun to someone who wish to commit a crime. The guns that are sold at gun shows make up a large amount of the guns that people …show more content…

At gun shows, the demand and sales of firearms have increased in the past several years. Moore, a writer for the Business Insider, states that the gun and ammunition manufacturing industry in the U.S. alone brings in $13 billion alone. Sales seem to go up after high profile shootings and when the government calls for increased gun control. This could be due to people wanting to protect their selves and their homes, as well as, protecting their Second Amendment Right. Many people believe in this “right to bear arms” and practice it to its full extent and are willing to protect that right to the best of their ability (Bill of Rights). Even though statistics show that gun sales are increasing as the news reports more and more mass shootings, there is a large amount of citizens who feel that there need to be stricter gun

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