Should Fast Food Workers Be Paid Essay

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This topic is mainly about the fast workers that are having lower pay and they paid more. They're paying them $8 dollar per that they can’t do anything with it. So the workers want more pay at least $15 an hour. I think they’re asking the right thing, at least they have $15 an hour. I know is going fix their all problems but at least fix some of it. Yes, I think fast food workers should be paid more. My first reason is they can’t survive on $8 dollar an hour. They have to support their family and fix their problems that $8 couldn’t make it. If I was talking about the high school kid that are poor and working at fast food place in their launch period, so they can buy their school stuff. When they go to the store to buy their school stuff …show more content…

If the government changes their rules this problem is not going to be the lot. Because the owners of the fast food restaurant would also change their rules too. I think the government should pay attention to workers before they wrote the rules for the companies. Now, is time for the fast food owners to change the lower payments. People with the opposing view believe that the fast food workers shouldn’t pay more because they think if the workers paid more the food will cost more. They also think that fast food workers are not doing their job very good, they should replace them by a robot instead of paying them more. Most of them think that working in the fast food restaurant is killing their success, so if the fast food owner are not paying them more they would quit the job and go focus on their study. I don’t really agree with them because I think this is not anything. I give much reason that can prove the people who are against this wrong. Fast food workers should pay more and working in fast food restaurant when you're in high school that’s going to kill your success, you just don’t have to give your focus on the work. If they can’t pay them $15 an hour they should pay them at least $12 but $9 dollar is too low. They should change the

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