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Should animals be used for biomedical research
Animal experiment ethical issue
Should animals be used for biomedical research
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Should cats and dogs be used in biomedical research?
Biomedical research provides valuable knowledge on how humans and animals behave, develop and function biologically. Through careful experimentation by several scientists we discover new therapies and medicines, carefully developed and evaluated, to prevent and treat diseases that cause illness in mammals.
It is estimated 50-100million animals are used in research every year.
Dogs are useful animals as models for better medical treatment of humans. Cancer, bone and lymphoma, in dogs is almost identical to humans, except it develops quicker, enabling us to follow the full course the cancer takes over a shorter period of time.
Dogs that have naturally occurring diseases, for example canine
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Using cats and dogs we can predict the likely harmful effects of chemicals on human health. Although the usefulness of animal models has to be judged case to case as genetically dogs are only 84% similar to humans and cats 90%. A great deal of animal experimentation has been misleading and resulted in either withholding of drugs which subsequently were found to be highly beneficial to humans, or released drugs which were thought to be harmless on animals but caused ill effects in humans. We must consider the negative effects on the animals as well; their wellbeing is at risk and may be effected by conditions during handling, breeding, restraint and housing. This can cause stress, shown in weight loss, behaviour changes, and increased levels of certain hormones. Most organisations purchase dogs from class A breeders, meaning they are under the age of one and have good health and veterinary care allowing for more controlled research. However, some purchase class B dogs, which are dogs from shelters meaning the research maybe compromised because of their poorly defined temperament, unknown age and unverifiable health status, potentially causing harm to dogs that cannot give us reliable results. Some breeders offer devocalisation services so that dogs cannot physically bark, this can cause a greater chance of food and water getting trapped in the lungs and infection; in my opinion this is morally unacceptable as it is causing unnecessary harm to the dog. Positive learning we have gained from research in cats have been the understanding of the nervous system, helping us understand the visual system and the need for light for it to develop. Also, cats naturally infected with feline AIDs (FIV) are used to study the effect of anti-viral treatments and create vaccines for AIDs. Leukaemia caused by a retrovirus for feline leukaemia, shows
Both in and out of philosophical circle, animals have traditionally been seen as significantly different from, and inferior to, humans because they lacked a certain intangible quality – reason, moral agency, or consciousness – that made them moral agents. Recently however, society has patently begun to move beyond this strong anthropocentric notion and has begun to reach for a more adequate set of moral categories for guiding, assessing and constraining our treatment of other animals. As a growing proportion of the populations in western countries adopts the general position of animal liberation, more and more philosophers are beginning to agree that sentient creatures are of a direct moral concern to humans, though the degree of this concern is still subject to much disagreement. The political, cultural and philosophical animal liberation movement demands for a fundamental transformation of humans’ present relations to all sentient animals. They reject the idea that animals are merely human resources, and instead claim that they have value and worth in themselves. Animals are used, among other things, in basic biomedical research whose purpose is to increase knowledge about the basic processes of human anatomy. The fundamental wrong with this type of research is that it allows humans to see animals as here for them, to be surgically manipulated and exploited for money. The use of animals as subjects in biomedical research brings forth two main underlying ethical issues: firstly, the imposition of avoidable suffering on creatures capable of both sensation and consciousness, and secondly the uncertainty pertaining to the notion of animal rights.
Stokes, W.S. “Animals and the 3 R’s on Toxicology Research and Testing.” Human and Experimental Toxicology December 2015: 7. Academic Search Premier. Web. 14 February
Over 100 Million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned and abused in testing Labs every year. Animals are used to test the safety of products, advance scientific research, and develop models to study disease and to develop new medical treatments all for the sake of mankind. Animals should not be used for scientific research because animal testing is inhumane, other testing methods now exist, and animals are very different from human beings.
Why do we have to use animals for research? Many humans and animals get the same illnesses because animals are biologically similar to humans. Animals have a shorter life cycle than humans and as a result, they can be studied throughout their whole life span or across several generations. According to information from the Office of Technology Assessment, it is estimated that between 17 and 23 million animals are used in research each year. Approximately 95% of these animals are rats and mice specifically bred for research and 4.25% of these animals include rabbits, guinea pigs, sheep, fish, frogs, insects, and other species. Most importantly, only 0.75% of the animals in research are cats, dogs, and primates. Major medical advances have been made because of the research of these animals. (Animal Research 2013)
Feline Leukemia Virus is caused by C-type RNA viruses (Padman S. Sarma & Robert J. Huebner, et al). It is what is known as a retrovirus, and it occurs in all species of cats. All retroviruses produce an enzyme that allows them to inject their genetic material into healthy cells, causing the once-healthy cell to become infected and take on properties of the virus (Feline Leukemia Virus). The name comes from the original attempt to understand the virus, and it was believed to be similar to leukemia in humans. By the time the actual cause of the virus was discovered the misnomer of “leukemia” had already become commonly used, and leukemia was then used as part of the virus’ official name. While the virus produces leukemia-like symptoms, it can also lead to cases of lymphoma (Raoul E. Benveniste & Charles J. Sherr, et al).
According to the California Biomedical Research Association, almost every medical advancement in the last 100 years is a direct result of animal testing and research. The use of animals has become standard procedure in a wide range of testing and experimentation, including product toxicity testing, biomedical and veterinary experiments, drug development and testing, and education. Major advancements in treating and understanding chronic conditions such as cancer, cystic fibrosis, malaria, and tuberculosis, have been achieved due to animal research. Also, the development of pacemakers, cardiac valve substitutes, and anesthetics are also direct results of the testing and observation of animals. On the other hand, many people believe that animal testing is cruel and inhumane. In many laboratories animals are subjected to force feeding, food and water deprivation, physical restraints, and infliction of pain. Because the animals cannot protect themselves, many people argue that exploiting animals to better the lives of humans is wrong and should not be permitted.
Secondly, because we are able to experiment on animals we have increased the survival rate for cancer tremendously. For instance, according to the article “The truth about Animal Testing” it states, “Every drug licensed for treatment has to be tested on animals. It's not just a legal issue. Many of the cures we celebrate -- and let's remember that cancer is now more survivable than ever -- were developed only because researchers were able t...
Drugs that pass for animals will not necessarily be safe for humans. "The 1950s sleeping pill thalidomide, which caused 10,000 babies to be born with severe deformities, was tested on animals prior to its commercial release." This is a good example of why animals do not have the same reaction of humans, demonstrating that it may cause problems with the humans health. Statistics have shown...
Animals have always held a very special place in the hearts of the human race. They are our best friends, our stress relievers, members of our families, and our test subjects for experimentation. For hundreds of years, animals have been used in laboratory settings as a replacement for humans when studying the effects of medical treatments. On average, nearly one hundred million animals are used in clinical trials every year (Ferdowsian). These animals have contributed to hundreds of breakthroughs in the medical field including countless toxicity tests to determine drug toxicity to humans, and exposure to paralyzing anesthetics to create anesthesia used in surgical procedures today. These animals have been vital
Research on animals is a vital process to stem cell research and other research in medicine. Animals can be used by scientist for research as long as it does not harm or kill an animal. Over the years animals have been experimented on for research and have contributed greatly to medicine. However, if animals are continuously killed for trial and error than that suggests animal cruelty.
Animal testing is one the most beyond cruelty against animals. It is estimated about 7 million innocent animals are electrocuted, blinded, scalded, force-fed chemicals, genetically manipulated, killed in the name of science. By private institutions, households products, cosmetics companies, government agencies, educational institutions and scientific centers. From the products we use every day, such as soap, make-up, furniture polish, cleaning products, and perfumes. Over 1 million dogs, cats, primates, sheep, hamsters and guinea pigs are used in labs each year. Of those, over 86,000 are dogs and cat. All companies are most likely to test on animals to make patients feel safe and are more likely to trust medicines if they know they have been tested on animals first (PETA, N.D, page 1). These tests are done only to protect companies from consumer lawsuits. Although it’s not quite true, Humans and animals don’t always react in the same way to drugs. In the UK an estimated 10,000 people are killed or severely disabled every year by unexpected reactions to drugs, all these drugs have passed animal tests. Animal testing is often unpredictable in how products will work on people. Some estimates say up to 92 percent of tests passed on animals failed when tried on humans (Procon.org, 2014, page 1). Animal testing can’t show all the potential uses for a drug. The test results are...
Should animals be used for medical research? 1. What is the difference between Introduction The deployment of animals for medical research has brought heated debates from both the proponents and opponents, each holding to their views in a tight manner. Those who are in support of animal research argue that it has been constituting a vital element in the advancement of medical sciences throughout the world providing insights to various diseases, which have helped in the discovery and development of various medicines that have brought an improvement in the quality of life of people. Such discoveries have gone so deep that for them many would have died a premature death because no cure would have been found for the diseases that they were otherwise suffering.
Every year, millions of animals experience painful, suffering and death due to results of scientific research as the effects of drugs, medical procedures, food additives, cosmetics and other chemical products. Basically, animal experimentation has played a dominant role in leading with new findings and human advantages. Animal research has had a main function in many scientific and medical advances in the past decade and is helping in the understanding of several diseases. While most people believe than animal testing is necessary, others are worried about the excessive suffering of this innocent’s creatures. The balance between the rights of animals and their use in medical research is a delicate issue with huge societal assumptions. Nowadays people are trying to understand and take in consideration these social implications based in animals rights. Even though, many people tend to disregard animals that have suffered permanent damage during experimentation time. Many people try to misunderstand the nature of life that animals just have, and are unable to consider the actual laboratory procedures and techniques that these creatures tend to be submitted. Animal experimentation must be excluded because it is an inhumane way of treat animals, it is unethical, and exist safer ways to test products without painful test.
There is always a special relationship between humans and animals, and some people will consider and treat their home animals as a part of their family members. In the recent decade, the animal experimentation plays a very significant role for biomedical research. Those animal experimentation allows scientists to do medical research on animals to develop new drugs for saving human life and preventing human suffering from diseases, and it also helps to ensure the safety of the drugs. Since some animal’s biological systems have a remarkable similarity with humans, it is tough to find an effective replacement for animal research. Although most of animal researches bring humans benefit, some people argue that animal research is torturing animals and violating animal rights and it should be banned. In fact, most of the alternative cannot provide accurate and correct information for the scientists, so animals should be allow use in scientific research.
It is also argued that animal testing is beneficial to animals themselves and furthers animal welfare. Treatments for rabies, Heartworm, glanders, Feline immunodeficiency virus, and anthrax, as well as other parasitic infections are all advanced from the use of animals in studies. Animal research is ongoing in the veterinary field in hopes of finding an improved treatment for the feline leukemia virus and improving...