Should Congressmen Have Term Limits Essay

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Should Congressmen and Congresswomen Have Term Limits? Currently in the U.S. government, Congressmen and Congresswomen have terms that allow reelections after those terms finish, but no term limits. Therefore, Congressmen and Congresswomen should have term limits because it would result in diversity, citizen legislature, and competitiveness. In addition, Congressmen and Congresswomen can re elect themselves as many times as they want in the current system of the U.S. government. Congressmen and Congresswomen having term limits will lead to diversity because open seats in Congress will bring attention to new types of people. What is meant by new types of people is when Edward H. Crane mentions in his article Congressional Term Limits on paragraph 7 Proposition 140 in California, which is limiting the state Assembly to three two year terms. This proposition made the 1992 Assembly elections result in “ In an article on that freshman class, the Los Angeles Times wrote, “ Among the things making the group unusual is that most of them are true outsiders. For the first time in years, the freshman class did not include an abundance of former legislative aides who move up the ladder to become members….Among the 27 are a …show more content…

Edward H. Crane mentions his own evidence of how term limits lead to competitiveness in his article Congressional Term Limits on paragraph 7, the evidence states “As Paul Jacob of U.S Term Limits has pointed out, the most competitive races (and the ones that bring out the largest number of primary candidacies) are for open seats.” This proves that term limits will bring out competitiveness for open seats in congress and that it is a good thing because it creates a large amount of candidates for Congressional elections. Term limits will lead to open seats in congress leading to

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