Should College Athletes Get Paid?

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Today there are a lot of big questions in this world about one specific topic. The answer is even more important than maybe half of the questions, but there isn’t a correct answer to this question. It’s a belief and what you think question. This question is paid attention to by a lot of high school student athletes, but not only high school athletes but current college athletes. This question is maybe one of the reasons why a lot of college athletes leave college and go to the pros after just one year in college. The question is “should college athletes get paid?” A lot of people reading this right now have different opinions and views on this, and the question itself just pops. Well first I think college athletes getting paid would benefit them for the future and keep their head on the right track. Secondly we also have to think about a student athlete’s schedule. We still have to remember that they have to have money in their pockets and do things for themselves, but without money or time for a job how is this possible? It also puts them in a bad situation to start doing illegal things. Last but not least this doesn’t make them equal to the non-student athletes, because the people who don’t play sports have time to have a job and work for what they want. No one can give them a dime from the administration, but everyone at the campus has huge expectations from them, including the people they can’t even get a penny from. To me College athletes getting paid would help the athletes and make their college life easier. Most people, who disagree with what I just said, would say “no college athletes shouldn’t get paid because it would take too much money away from the school, and you would have to pay men and women in each sport “Or th... ... middle of paper ... ...can’t help the athletes not even a little bit. So like I said paying college athletes some money would help them in the future and make their life way easier. Without money they are nothing and won’t last in the world. Last issue is, what about the kids who are actually paying the full tuition or partial tuition to go there, where is their money going? The whole thing is college athletes have been getting played since before I was born and it needs to stop soon. It’s just a loose loose situation for student athletes right now and that is no fun. Paying them would make their lives way easier and keep them out of trouble. Works Cited 1. "AJ McCarron: 'I Truly Believe College Athletes Should Be Paid'" FOX Sports on MSN. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.< >

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