Shingles is caused by a varicella virus. Shingles is a reactivation of chickenpox. If you had chickenpox as a child you are more likely to get shingles as an adult. If you had chickenpox the virus travels to the nerve cells called dorsal root ganglia. They are bundles of nerves that transmit sensory information from the skin to the brain. From there the virus can hide from the immune system and remain inactive, but alive for many years in most cases for a lifetime. If and when the virus becomes active it becomes known as shingles. The virus spreads to the ganglion and the nerves connecting to it. The virus can spread anywhere from the spinal cord to the bloodstream. Shingles itself is not transmitted from person to person. The name for the pain that shingles causes are called posterpetic neuralgia (PHN). Words to …show more content…
describe the pain would be deep aching, burning, stabbing, or like an electric shock. The older a person is the longer (PHN) is likely to last.
In certain studies it suggests that woman is at higher risk than most cases the pain will go away within three months. The blisters can cause an infection if not properly kept clean and kept free from irritations. It can become infected and cause scarring. In rare cases shingles have been associated with Stevens-Johnsons syndrome, an extensive and serious condition in which blisters cover mucous membranes and large parts of the body. Eyes can be at risk if you have shingles disease on your face. Shingles almost always occurs in adults. The rash usually starts out as a small red clear spot. Between 12-24 hours later the spots will become filled with fluid filled blisters. Usually within 7-10 days the blisters will heal. During the prodome phase a cluster of warning symptoms appear 3-4 days before the outbreak of shingles. The rash can occur on the arms, legs, neck, and face, but usually on the trunk of the body. The shingles vaccine is a stronger version of the chickenpox vaccine. Some of the treatments for shingles are reduced pain, reduce discomfort, and prevent the disease from
spreading. Some home remedies for shingles are used cold compress, use itch cream so you won’t scratch the rash, use over the counter pain reliever such as Advil, aspirin, ibuprofen. So it’s best if you have shingles or are exposed to shingles go to the doctor and get medicine don’t scratch keep the blisters clean so they don’t cause infection and cause you to be hospitalized. I really enjoyed reading this article. It’s very educational it helps you understand why and how you got the shingles. Gives you great ideas on how to calm down the pain. Tells you about the complications with the shingles virus. It lets you basically know everything about the shingles virus and how to control it and keep it from spreading.
Shingles, herpes zoster, is a very contagious and painful rash, or blister that appears on the skin. These rashes most commonly appear on the sides of the body in stripes. The stripes are made up of many very painful blisters caused by a certain type of virus. The varicella zoster, most commonly known as the chicken pox virus attacks the nerve roots in that area. The herpes zoster virus is in the herpes family, including HSV, herpes simple virus, which causes cold sores, fever blisters, and genital herpes. (WebMD, 2011) Most people are required to get the chicken pox shot when they are children although some do not. The chicken pox shot helps to keep out the virus by keeping it dormant in the nerves. The varicella zoster virus stays in a few cells; this is how shingles appear suddenly. It appears when the dormant cells become active in the later years of life.
The Shingles is an extremely painful condition. Patients who suffer from the Shingles face immense physical pain. For patient L, a 21-year-old female from Davis, California, it was no different. She characterized her experience with the Shingles as starting off with sharp pain traveling up her back through her spinal cord, causing massive headaches. While she was in a lot of physical pain, patient L, being the lackadaisical 21-year-old she is, choose to ignore her discomfort. However, as the pain grew exponentially worse, she began to develop a brick-red rash as well as “puss-filled bulbs” on her back. These bulbs were extremely painful, especially when they were opened. The pain grew worse and the bulbs continued to protrude on her back. She
may last one to three weeks. In many cases new clusters of blisters appear as
Herpes Simplex is a common virus that causes infection in humans. This virus is spread in both humans and animals. However, humans are the primary reservoirs for HSV and are the only ones that experience any symptoms. There are two types of Herpes Simplex known as HSV-1 and HSV-2. HSV-1 primarily causes oral herpes while HSV-2 causes genital herpes.1 This virus is easily contracted and often during one’s childhood. Unfortunately, this virus is latent and reoccurs every so often, more so during times of stress. Herpes Simplex is a mild infection for most, however, this virus can lead to many serious complications.
Shingles is a rash on the skin that is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is the same virus that causes chicken pox. The rash is extremely painful and is accompanied with many additional symptoms. The first symptoms are located on one side of the body and include tingling, pain, or burning sensations around these areas. The second symptom of Shingles is a red rash that develops in patches on the skin. Finally the rash then develops into small blisters that end up bursting, drying out, and then flaking off. Other common symptoms include abdominal pain, general ill feeling, headaches, and joint pain (Sampathkumar, P., et al, 2009).
... damaged neurons. (Mayo clinic, 2014). This is called neuroplasticity, the ability for the nerves to compensate for damage caused by some outside force. Because of neuroplasticity physical training works to cure some of the paralysis left by the virus and allows us to walk again after the legs or another appendage is deformed or damaged.
From 166 A.D. to 180 A.D., The Antonine Plague spread around Europe devastating many countries. This epidemic killed thousands per day and is also known as the modern-day name Smallpox. It is known as one of deadliest plagues around the world.
It was spread very slowly and less broadly than other viral illnesses which took a long time to identify the infection in the first two weeks. Infection of smallpox started to grow between 7 to 10 days when the scabs formed into bruises. The signs and symptoms of this disease include high fever, widespread rashes, redness, muscle pain, headache, common cold, vomiting, nausea and many more. Consequently, the virus was found in the bone marrow along with bloodstream in huge numbers. There are different types of the smallpox disease with other classifications.
After a few days after developing a rash, it may change into small lumps all over the body. These symptoms may come just after a week of being infected. "The first symptoms may appear 12 to 14 days after you're infected." A rash will appear in the mouth and throat in the first few days, it will then spread to the face and arms and finally, the legs. The rashes will grow bigger as days go by, eventually transforming into large bumps filled with puss and fluid. Then these bumps are replaced with blisters, which will drop off and that indicates that the person has become infected and can possibly spread the disease.
Chickenpox is a viral infection that causes an itchy, almost blister-like rash (Mayo Clinic, 2017). Chickenpox is highly contagious (Mayo Clinic, 2017). The Chickenpox virus occurs between 10 to 21 days after exposure to the infection (Mayo Clinic, 2017). Usually, the infection lasts 5 to 10 days (Mayo Clinic, 2017). Moreover, the Chickenpox rash goes through three phases: raised red bumps, fluid-filled blisters, and crusty scabs (Mayo Clinic, 2017). Papules, or raised red bumps, break out all over the body and last many days (Mayo Clinic, 2017). Small fluid-filled blisters, also known as vesicles, form after the papules, and eventually break and leak
The symptoms of psoriasis differ from type to type, although inflamed, scaly lesions are present in all five types. The most common form of the disease, plaque psoriasis, is identified by small bumps that begin to grow and become scaly. These lesions flake easily, but removing these patches can cause the tender skin below to bleed. In the Guttate type, small, individual, red drops form. This type does not have as much scaling as plaque psoriasis. The drops usually clear up on their own, but may also reappear as a different form of psoriasis, usually plaque. Inverse psoriasis usually occurs in places where the skin folds, such as the genitals, breasts, armpits or the backs of knees. This type will appear red, yet it will be smooth and dry. Also, no scaling will occur. Pustular psoriasis is a type that's significantly more rare. It is also more painful. In this type, blisters filled with non-infectious pus appear within a few hours and then dry up and peel within another two days. Severe medical risks exist for those who have this particular form of psoriasis, due to its side effects; exhaustion, anemia, weight loss, fever, chills, rapid pulse rate, severe itching and muscle weakness. Even less common than pustular psoriasis is erythrodermic psoriasis. This type is...
It is caused by an RNA virus that changes constantly. Measles symptoms usually include a bad cough, sneezing, runny nose, red eyes, sensitivity to light, and a very high fever. Red patches with white grain like centers appear along the gum line in the mouth two to four days after the first symptoms show. These patches are called Koplik spots because Henry Koplick first noticed them in 1896. The Spots are important to diagnose measles.
According to the CDC, Center for Disease Control, during the first 48 hours symptoms like fever, headache, drowsiness, and could be apparent before the rash. The red, burning, itchy dots could appear all of the body including the arms, legs, head, chest, belly, and inside genitals. Blisters that are filled with clear fluid and ulcers can develop from the sores. The sores and blisters will eventually dry up and turn into scabs. The amount of spots on a person can differ per case; some have extreme amounts of blisters all of their bodies, while others barely have blisters. Warm conditions tend to irritate the rash more. The disease is easy to recognize because its main sign is rash. It is rare to get a lab for diagnosis for chicken pox although the varciella zoster virus can be diagnosed by a blood test that detects the antibodies for the
Most blisters break open, dry up, and go away on their own within 1-2 weeks. Blisters that are very painful may be drained before they
Moss and lichen also hold in moisture. This will cause premature wear to your shingles. In the winter, the moisture they hold onto can freeze and cause unnecessary frost to develop on your shingles. This can cause your shingles to become warped.