Shingles Research Paper

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Shingles is caused by a varicella virus. Shingles is a reactivation of chickenpox. If you had chickenpox as a child you are more likely to get shingles as an adult. If you had chickenpox the virus travels to the nerve cells called dorsal root ganglia. They are bundles of nerves that transmit sensory information from the skin to the brain. From there the virus can hide from the immune system and remain inactive, but alive for many years in most cases for a lifetime. If and when the virus becomes active it becomes known as shingles. The virus spreads to the ganglion and the nerves connecting to it. The virus can spread anywhere from the spinal cord to the bloodstream. Shingles itself is not transmitted from person to person. The name for the pain that shingles causes are called posterpetic neuralgia (PHN). Words to …show more content…

In certain studies it suggests that woman is at higher risk than most cases the pain will go away within three months. The blisters can cause an infection if not properly kept clean and kept free from irritations. It can become infected and cause scarring. In rare cases shingles have been associated with Stevens-Johnsons syndrome, an extensive and serious condition in which blisters cover mucous membranes and large parts of the body. Eyes can be at risk if you have shingles disease on your face. Shingles almost always occurs in adults. The rash usually starts out as a small red clear spot. Between 12-24 hours later the spots will become filled with fluid filled blisters. Usually within 7-10 days the blisters will heal. During the prodome phase a cluster of warning symptoms appear 3-4 days before the outbreak of shingles. The rash can occur on the arms, legs, neck, and face, but usually on the trunk of the body. The shingles vaccine is a stronger version of the chickenpox vaccine. Some of the treatments for shingles are reduced pain, reduce discomfort, and prevent the disease from

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