Shi Huangdi's Effectiveness

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Asoka was an Indian emperor. He ruled from c. 273- c. 232 B.C.E. He ruled in the name of Dharma or Righteousness. And believed in love rather than the sword. It is uncertain on how Asoka died. And soon after Shi Huangdi came along. At the age of 13, he took the throne as a Chinese emperor. He started the Qin dynasty and led with an iron fist. He was very superstitious and was almost assassinated three times! Shi Huangdi believed that to get peace you had to force it upon your subjects. He burned books and buried scholars alive. He tortured those who oppressed him and it was all in the name of peace. Despite the terrible side of Shi Huangdi, he did have many accomplishments. His Greatest was the great wall of China and the Canals Thousands …show more content…

Many may say and point out that Shi Huangdi was a bad person and used a harsh ruling but this is why he was so effective. This belief of coercion is more effective due to the number of things that got done throughout time and because these things had an impact on other beliefs and the daily life in India and other places as well. On page 69 to page 70 it states, “it took twenty-five years to conquer the other six kingdoms to unify china...but his impact was profound and some still argue about the wisdom of his policies and the nature of his contributions to Chinese history.” Which shows that although people found him mysterious and dangerous his wisdom and his execution of actions really had an impact on the political aspects of China. Also, on page 70 it states, “Chinese folktales lament the suffering caused by the building of the great wall and other imperial is understandable that a man strong enough to create an empire out of the feudal disorder that had plagued China for centuries might make a few mins in the process. Yet this man can also be considered the father of his country.” This clearly shows how just how impactful the people saw Shi Huangdi to me even though he was tough. His coercion ruling, “laid out the foundations for the later accomplishments of the Han dynasty”(70) making it very

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