Sherman Alexie's Poem 'Evolution'

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“Evolution” is a poem written by Sherman Alexie that shows how the white American man, Buffalo Bill here, took all the Native American Indian had and made it his own. The white man not only took their land, he took their very existence. Sadly, to say, to this day still does. Buffalo Bill who used his knowledge of the Native American and their need for cash flow. To his advantage, he used the needed to drink and the means to do so, very much to his advantage. He was cold and slick when he intentionally saw a profit to be made right off the reservation across from the new liquor store (Hayatali, 2011). Buffalo Bill was one that is known to have tamed the wild, wild west, even done so crudely. Buffalo Bill, the white man, in this poem is also a representative of the American government. To this day the American government still takes from the Native Americans more than one can fanam. It’s truly unreal the unjust that is done here. They once owned this land and now have a very, very small percentage. Buffalo Bill took the Native American Indian for all including their hearts and souls. This was stated in the poem when Alexie stated, “The Indians pawn their hands, saving the thumbs for last, they pawn their skeletons, falling endlessly from the skin and when the last Indian has pawned everything but his heart, Buffalo …show more content…

They have lost it all and now are in debited to us who took it all from them. It’s a sad end to a blessed journey that has yet to end. As Krizner and Mandell stated that Jennifer Gillan stated best that the “old ways” of the American Indian was a way to trap them into alienation (Krizner & Mandell, 2016). A world of evolution they are now trapped in as Indian prophets per sey of every tribe, none are what they once were, mighty, fierce, strong, and so very symbolic of an amazing way of life, only they can

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