Shark Finning Persuasive Speech

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Their Lives Are In Our Hands

A sharks natural environment is the sea and it has every right to live and swim in it. Humans need to be accountable for their own actions. When you enter their domains, you accept the risks. Just like any other activity we participate in! We must realise before it’s too late that there are consequences to our actions……………………...

Shark Finning- A Booming Industry….
It is estimated that 100 million sharks are killed each year, 30% is by habitat destruction and 70% of those sharks are killed by finning. Shark finning is when sharks are caught and their fins are hacked off. They are thrown back into the sea to drown and suffer a slow and painful death, either dying from severe blood …show more content…

Western Australia had started a ‘catch and kill’ program. That summer (January to April), more than 170 sharks were caught and shot. Then, in 2014, after being pressured by animal conservationists, the Western Australian government overturned its decision and illegalised shark culling.

Yes, Healthy Oceans Do Need Sharks!
Sharks are very important to our ecosystem. They keep our oceans healthy. Sharks are head of the food chain, they are the top predators in the oceans, their food sources vary, so when the animal they’re feeding on is becoming low, they can switch to a different prey so it keeps the natural balance of sea creatures. They are also great at ridding any sick or dying fish which again keeps the ocean a lot healthier. If we keep on killing sharks and they become extinct, it would definitely have a negative effect on the ecosystem of the sea and we would see other species of ocean animals die out with them. Without sharks to keep other predator numbers down, smaller more defenceless prey will be eaten into extinction as well and there will be no more of that marine species. The extinction of sharks could also cause out-of-control algae. If sharks die then other animals could change their diet and the way they behave all leading to a devastating effect on our ocean systems which would have

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