Shaping Our Identity

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Many things make up who we are as a person. Things like environment, childhood, and something as simple as genes all make up who we are and how we act. These things shape how we act and how we view things, therefore shaping our identity. There are many other things that affect us as we grow, but I believe environment, childhood, and human genes have the most impact at this stage in our lives. Our environment has a huge impact on who we are and what we become. Where we grow up plays a large role in our futures. If someone lived in a wealthy, well maintained town or city, they would have a unique view on the world. They would probably go to a nice school, and own nice things. Their house would most likely be large, and the cars they …show more content…

I would agree with this totally. Things like money, siblings, how your parents treated you, how you spent your free time, etc. all were factors in our identity. These things can show us how we act, how we learn, and how we treat other people. My mother owns and runs a preschool in my house, so I grew up in a preschool. This was very beneficial to me because I was able to learn things and spend time working on things outside of normal schools hours. I believe this was a factor in my willingness to learn new things. Unlike some people, I have always enjoyed school, and I think that this is partly because I grew up in a school. This ties closely with environment, but it differs in that environment is more of where you grew up, opposed to how you grew up. If you had multiple siblings, you would act different than if you were an only child. You would have adapted to sharing things and compromises in situations. If you were an only child than you might be more independant. Your parents also contribute a lot to your childhood. Your childhood may be different if your parents were divorced, if one of your parents died, or if they travelled a lot. My mother works out of her home, so she was always free during the days. This was very handy for me if I had to stay home from school because I was sick or if I had the day off for a holiday. Something as simple as what kind of music your parents listen can affect you. My parents …show more content…

Genes determine everything about how we look and I think that in turn determines part of our identity. If we all looked the same, we really wouldn’t have a personally to match a face to. Some people look more like a parent than others, but we all collect most of our traits from our parents. This can affect ethnicity and race. Your height, skin color, hair color, eye color, and facial expressions can all come from genes, and all shape who we are. These things are chosen for us. We don’t get to choose what color our skin is, and we don’t have to let that dictate how we act, but I think traits do shape our identity. If we lived back in the time of the Civil Rights Movement, skin color would greatly affect who we are and how we are viewed. Although this isn’t as much of problem now, things like height can affect what we act like and therefore shapes our identity. I see that this idea could be debated. Some could say that how we look does not shape our identity, and that it’s what’s on the inside that make up who we are. I somewhat agree with this, but I feel that how we look does partly shape who we are as a person. If someone tells you to write down what you are like, wouldn’t you put down things like “I’m tall, I have brown hair, I have blue eyes, etc.”? I know I would. I also think that how we look does sadly affect how other people see us. If you see someone for the first time, most people judge them on how they look.

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