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Recommended: Sexual diseases
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are infection’s that are passed from one person to another during vaginal sex, oral sex, or anal sex. STDs can be serious, painful and may have long term effects, especially if left undetected and untreated. They infect your sexual and reproductive organs. The most common STDs among adolescences are chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, and human papillomavirus (HPV).
Theoretical Framework
The sexual response cycle refers to the sequence of physical and emotional changes that occur as a person becomes sexually aroused and participates in sexually stimulating activities, including intercourse and masturbation. Knowing how your body responds during each phase of the cycle can enhance
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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are as many as 700,000 new cases, with less than half of them reported to the CDC. Like Chlamydia an individual diagnosed with gonorrhea may not have symptoms, but unlike Chlamydia symptoms for Gonorrhea become very obvious, very quickly within two to ten days after exposure. Women with Gonorrhea will have experiences such as greenish yellow or whitish discharge from the vagina, lower abdominal or pelvic pain, burning when urinating, red or itchy eyes, bleeding between periods, and swelling of the vulva; while men will have, greenish yellow or whitish discharge from the penis, and burning when urinating. When a male/ female is diagnosed with gonorrhea a doctor will give an individual either an oral or injectable antibiotic and the doctor will also recommend that an individual gets treated every three months and will also recommend the individual partner to the …show more content…
According to the CDC in 2013, more than 56,400 cases of syphilis were reported among girls between the ages of 13-18 and in boys between the ages of 15-19. Syphilis can be challenging to diagnose. You can be infected without showing any symptoms for years. However, the earlier you discover the infection, the better. There are four stages of the Syphilis infection: primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary. The primary stage of syphilis occurs about three to four weeks after you’re infected with the bacteria. It begins with a small, round sore called a chancre. A chancre is painless, but it’s highly infectious. This sore may appear wherever the bacteria entered your body, such as on or inside your mouth, genitals, or rectum. During the second stage of syphilis, you may experience skin rashes and a sore throat. The rash won’t itch and is usually found on your palms and soles, but it may occur anywhere on the body. Some people don’t notice the rash before it goes away. During the third stage of syphilis the primary and secondary symptoms disappear, and you won’t have any noticeable symptoms at this stage. However, you will still be infected with syphilis. The secondary symptoms can reappear, or you could remain in this stage for years before progressing to tertiary syphilis; the last stage of syphilis. Approximately 15 to 30 percent of people who don’t receive treatment for syphilis will enter this
Most people in the U.S. learn STDs in their health class in high school. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that causes sores over private parts or all over the body in a later stage. Syphilis is caused by a bacteria called spirochete. The spirochete cannot survive outside the body. The only way to get the disease is by intimate contact, but catching it is rare. Having more than one partner could increase the chances to catch the disease. The spirochete enters in a break in your skin genitals area or mouth. Once in your body, about three weeks it becomes a sore or have multiple sores. The sore looks like a crater on the surface of the skin. In the first stage it can be treated easily with antibiotics or penicillin. The second stage the syphilis spreads to the rest of the body. It is visible in your hand and soles on your feet. It can cause cardio-vascular disease, mental problems, paralysis, blindness and tumors. Syphilis has links to HIV/AIDS. It also attacks your nervous system. After infection it takes 21 to develop any symptoms for other people it takes from 10 to ninety days. It acts like no other disease known. The last stage is the deadliest if ignored, by the person. The damage obtained by syphilis is irreversible. By practicing safe sex (condoms), or having one sex partner can prevent these
The stigma of syphilis was because the symptoms were disastrous. Severe neurological (dementia, deafness, and mental illness), cardiovascular (heart attack, stroke), skin lesions and rashes all over the body, and death. Mercury and sulfuric elements were used to cure it until 1943 when penicillin came along. There 300,000 new cases of syphilis every year. Macon County, Alabama which was a primality black populated area had 35% infected with syphilis. With the great depression going on the budget, on curing syphilis Macon County was cut. In 1932, a new study was being constructed to effects of syphilis on the black
[Immune mechanism in early syphilis](8) Treponema pallidum is a bacterium that causes Syphilis, a sexually or congenital transmitted infection (6). There are three stages of syphilis: primary, secondary, latent and tertiary, and may also occur congenitally (2).
symptoms are not always present, you may be infected with gonorrhea and not know it. If present, symptoms may appear within 2 to 14 days. Fifty percent of people with gonorrhea show no symptoms. Men are more likely than women to show signs of infection. Gonorrhea in men can cause painful urination, creamy or green pus-like penile discharge, and testicular pain.
When the bacteria are already in someone it can be passed by having sexual intercourse and oral sex. The infection can show up in the mouth, genital area, and rectum. Also, if a person already has a sexually transmitted disease, it’s easier for someone to transfer the disease to that person that is already infected. The signs and symptoms for gonorrhea differ between men and women. Symptoms are rarely seen in patients with gonorrhea. In men during urination there will be a feeling of discomfort, there will be a puffy substance that will come from the genital area, and the testicle may expand and have inflammation. In women the genital area will display unusual discharge, in the abdominal there will be a lot of distress, and in the pelvic region there would be periods of
Kent ME, Romanelli F (February 2008). "Reexamining syphilis: an update on epidemiology, clinical manifestations, and management". Ann Pharmacother 42 (2): 226–36. doi:10.1345/aph.1K086
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Consider if you detect a pain sensation on your genital part, bottoms, inner thighs,or around the oral cavity. Herpes virus will initially create a throbbing and tingly sensation. Base on the University of Maryland, the earliest herpes simplex virus symptoms will possibly appear during two weeks of exposure.
Today it is no longer a novelty to hear that teenagers are having sex. However, while this “bedroom” activity may be fun, there are now ample reports indicating that rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in teenagers have skyrocketed. Current data reveal that nearly 25% of adolescent girls who have sex are infected with one of the four commonly sexually transmitted infections-namely gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes and HIV (Kann et al, 2015). Nationally, the prevalence of STDs account for 50% of cases in people under the age of 25. While every ethnic and race has been known to be affected, African American youth are disproportionately affected. These data are not a surprise to professionals who are engaged in adolescent sexual health because the numbers have been slowly creeping up over the decades, despite national educational policies to counter the threat of STDs (Sales & DiClemente, 2016). All the STDs have a significant impact on sexual and reproductive health, if they are mot promptly diagnosed and treated. Although many preventive strategies have been implemented in all communities, the rates of STDs are still increasing (Madkour et al, 2016).
One aspect of human sexuality that sometimes goes unknown or misunderstood is the sexual response cycle of men and women. You may be wondering what exactly is a sexual response cycle. In very general terms, the sexual response cycle is the sequence of events that happens physiologically when we become sexually aroused and participate in sexually stimulating activities, including intercourse, heavy petting, masturbation, etc.
Not surprisingly the lack of useful sexual information is one of the reasons of the spreading sex related diseases. According to The American Social Health Association (1998) each year there are near ten million of new cases of sexually transmitted diseases among the teenage...
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Sexually Transmitted Diseases STDs, a.k.a venereal diseases, infectious diseases passed from one person to another during sexual contact. STDs are the most common infections known. More than 12 million people in the United States, including 3 million teenagers, are infected with STDs every year. The United States has the highest STD rate in the world about one in ten Americans will contract an STD during his or her lifetime. People who do not know they are infected risk infecting their sexual partners and, in some cases, their unborn children. If left untreated, these diseases may cause pain or may destroy a woman's ability to have children. Some STDs can be cured with a single dose of antibiotics, but AIDS cannot be cured. Those most at risk for contracting STDs are people who have unprotected sex—without using a condom, people who have multiple partners, and people whose sex partners are drug users who share needles. Static’s show that Americans between the ages of 16 and 24 are most likely of catching STDs than older adults, because younger people usually have multiple sexual partners than an older person in a long-term relationship. Teenagers may be embarrassed to tell their sexual partners they are infected Teenagers may also be embarrassed or unable to seek medical attention for STDs. This means that they only more likely to pass the disease to other young people and have a greater risk of suffering the long-term consequences of untreated STDs. STDs are transmitted by infectious bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, and single-celled organisms called protozoa that live in warm, moist parts of the body, like the genital area, mouth, and throat. Most STDs are spread while having sex, but oral sex can also spread disease. Some STDs are passed from a mother to her child while pregnant, when the disease enters the baby's bloodstream, during childbirth as the baby passes through the birth canal, or after birth, when the baby drinks infected breast milk. AIDS can be transmitted by blood contact such as open wounds, between people who share infected needles or received through an injection of infected blood. Some people believe that STDs can be transmitted through shaking hands or other casual contact, or through contact with inanimate objects such as clothing or toilet seats, but they can’t. Chlamydeous, is from trachoma is bacterium, is the most commonly transmitted STD in the United States.
Men and women sexually go through a cycle. This cycle is known as the sexual response cycle. The sexual response cycle is made up of four different phases, the excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution phases. The cycle is also categorized in two ways, vasocongestion and myotonia. Vasocongestion is where swelling occurs because blood rushes to certain areas of the body such as earlobes, for women to the opening of the vaginal area, and for men around the testes, it also causes the erection of the penis. Myotonia is what causes hands and feet to spasm, affects the face, and the involuntary movements of orgasm, these occur because the muscles are tightening creating these movements and spasms to occur. (Nevid & Ruthus, 2005).
Syphilis is a sexually transmitting infection caused by Treonema pallidum, a gram negative, and anaerobic spirochete bacteria 1. Syphilis is thought to have been brought to Europe by Columbus and his sailors in the 1500’s 1. The disease is characterized by four different stages with varying symptoms depending on the stage that the disease is in1. Often syphilis is presented with another sexually transmitted infection such as chlamydia. Public education regarding safe sex is important for the prevention of this sexually transmitted infection.
H, Weinstock, and Berman S. "STDs in Adolescents and Young Adults." CDC.GOV. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2014.