Sexual Issues Affecting A Couple

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Sexual Issues Affecting A Couple Sexual issues have become a sizeable topic in couples counseling, due to the fact the public has made recognition and awareness of treatment options (BOOK). One sexual issue that has become of sexual topic in couples counseling is erectile disorder. This paper will discuss the cause of erectile disorder and how it affects a couple’s relationship. The paper will conclude with a discussion on the life cycle of sexual relationships and where erectile disorder mitigates into the sexual relationship. Erectile Disorder Erectile Disorder is the inability for a male to maintain an erection (BOOK). It is believed the cause of erectile disorder is a male’s anxiety level (BOOK). Increased anxiety will disrupt a male’s erectile response, leading to no erection or the inability to …show more content…

There are two sides being impacted when examining how erectile disorder affects the relationship, which are the male experience the erectile disorder and their partner. The partner with the erectile disorder can feel “less of a man”, leading him to feel insecure about the relationship (ARTicle). Loosing that sense of security can put stress on the relationship. The partner with the erectile disorder can often become scared of being intimate with partner (ARTCILE). Not having sexual contact in the relationship will build up and can withdraw the partner from the relationship. The partner, who does not have erectile disorder, can often feel guilty, hopeless, and rejected (ARTicle). In this case, the partner may become depressed and overwhelmed with terrible feelings of not being able to satisfy their partner. Although both partners are experiencing the erectile disorder together, there are different feelings brewing in each other. As a counselor, it is important to recognize both partner’s feelings and thoughts of the erectile

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