Sexual Coercion In College

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Sexual Coercion Among College Students
Sexual coercion is defined as behaviors in which nonphysical tactics, such as verbal pressure, lying, pleading, and arguing are used to acquire sexual contact with an unwilling partner (Fossos, N., Kaysen, D., Neighbors, C., Lindgren, K. P., & Hove, M. C., 2011). Sexual coercion is a form of sexual assault, however it differs in various ways (Fossos et al, 2011). Sexual coercion can range from severe to subtle pressure with the use of intoxication or psychological abuse. Sexual assault victims are more often women, whereas the prevalence rates of sexual coercion among college men and women have similar rates of coercion. Individuals who experience sexual coercion are at risk for sexually transmitted diseases due to that fact that condoms are typically not used. Sexual coercion may also lead to an increase in physical aggression, and poor psychological or physical health. A large study including college students determined that victims who experienced sexual coercion have low self-esteem, depression, social anxiety, and are more likely to be socially isolated than …show more content…

However, since it is a different form of sexaul assault and some cases are not reported, the research is not as expanded as other forms of sexual assault. Before my rearch I only considered sexaul assault in the case of rape, which includes force rather than other tactics. One aspect of sexual coercion that surprised me was the fact that it occurs in intimate relationships. Another aspect of sexual coercion that I found is the stereotypes about the men and women who have experienced it. The stereotypes believe that if an individual experiences sexual coercion then it is their fault. Certain individuals believe that he or she may have brought it on themselves. This research on sexual coercion has helped to expand my knowledge and understanding of sexual

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