Sexual Assault Speeches

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1 in 5 women will get sexual assaulted on a college campus. This is absolutely sickening and needs to be taking care of before it gets out of hand. The more and more I have a conversation about sexual assault the more it makes me want to take charge and do something about it. Now that I have the information from listening to our speaker, I defiantly see college parties in a different light. I always see guys trying to take girls back to their room or isolating them from the group. Whenever I’m at a party, I never think of the awful things that could be happening around me. I definitely unaware of situations so now I’ll defiantly be more involved and step in when it’s appropriate. It’s a very common thing to see at a party so for myself I never …show more content…

There are so many situations you can stop from turning into something bad with doing a simple task. The way I might step in to help a person is go up to …show more content…

I would most likely tell my friend Im not feeling so good and need to go back to my room. This Is a hidden shield because she thinks she’s helping you but its really for her safety. Besides intervening, I really like the idea of having signs and signals. I think this is a really important thing to have incase one of your friends is in a situation where they feel uncomfortable. I will make sure I do this before we go out so were aware of each other. If I know a friend is in danger I will not hesitate to go and help her. The only barrier about intervening is people getting angry and turning violent. For example, Matt talked about intervening and ended up getting punched in the face. I definitely understand the risk of defending a friend and in most situations it is worth it. When I don’t feel comfortable in a situation of a friend, I’ll defiantly want to grab someone and help as well. I think the more people you have on the same page, the more likely a friend would listen to you. I believe the hookup culture has a huge relation with sexual assault. The problem with hook up culture is it’s hard to find the difference between assault and casual sex. The hook up culture is basically unattached sex that

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